What does sexual compatibility mean to you?

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Most Helpful Girls

  • An excuse to get you to have premarital sex with them. And a major factor in high divorce rates today. There is no such thing. Sex is learned, not taught. But if your conditioned to premarital sex and having more partners unmarried, your setting yourself up for a miserable sex life that 'require's a lot of partners. No different than a drug addict, or sadly, a baby hooked on cocaine because their mom did drugs. People are having sex without even knowing what sex REALLY is. And they don't care to know about it. All it is is Lust. It destroys real relationships and damages sex lives. It's also a lot of people's favorite excuse for cheating or breakups. Let alone divorces. Sad.

    • I will say that is not completely wrong for someone to get divorced because their sex life doesn't get any better. I don't have premarital sex. My ex and I just were on different wavelengths in the bedroom. I gave it lots of time to improve, but it never really did... so I don't think it was me making an 'excuse' to get out of my marriage.

    • @RamptUp It IS wrong. You chose to marry them, you're responsible for that. It takes two to make a relationship. If you love your spouse, you stay and work it out. Sexual neglect is wrong, but, you have the right to complain about the lack of sexual consistency in the marriage. You work it out. That's why you talk about any issues you may have regarding sex BEFORE you become official in dating and way BEFORE you say 'I DO'. You do NOT want to marry somebody who doesn't want sex with you. The problem that I see is that you and your ex, dabbled in porn, before and after marriage, and one or the other was sexually active. That wouldn't have happened. What happens outside of the bed reflects what happens in the bedroom.

    • And one of you never really loved the other for this to happen. It requires trust and a lot of communication. That person has to feel safe with you in order to have sex with you. A spouse doesn't just STOP having sex. Something changed for you to say you both were on different wavelengths. Either you two had issues way before marriage, or you two view sex differently. Sometime tells me you view sex as a way of pleasure, and she views sex as a way to bond and love your spouse.

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  • It means learning to know what your partner likes in the bedroom.
    Giving each other equal pleasure.
    Both enjoying sex and not feeling disappointed at the end.
    It doesn't matter if it's once or even ten times a week as long as its enjoyable for both.
    Being able to rock each others world every single time you fuck.
    Keep it interesting.

    • Wonderful explanation

  • Having the same libido and desire.
    Being with a person of low libido when yours is high, just equals a lot of sexual frustration
    Same with sexual acts, kissing, oral, etc. If you want things your partner doesn't, very frustrating.
    This even goes for the woman whose sex drive is higher.

Most Helpful Guys

  • It means a great deal, since sex, contrary to what people might want to say, is important in healthy, meaningful relationships... Now, just like when you are trying to find that significant other that you have things in common with and you want to be able to talk about anything with, same goes for sex too... You want someone that is into some of the same kinky weird stuff some people or into, or someone who's into sex only for procreation, and there are a few of those out there... So sexual compatibility means: how much more connected you will be with your other...

  • Really? Have to ask this as an ANON? Then so will I, silly willy.

    Physical: there is a perfect FIT down there fr each & every one of us, regardless of being able to fit near-fits, thus many settle for the latter but this is not nirvana, never will be
    Psychological: too often I hear one wants to do it far more often than the other + one gets turned on by completely different sparks = not compatible
    Emotional: the all important sexual magnet, spark, glue and catalyst that bonds & grows sexual compatibility & adventures

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  • Sexual compatibility means a lot. You don't want too much of a sexual differences that each other feels that the other might go get their sexual needs met some where else.

    • Exactly... Seriously want to.

  • Basically a good orgasm by both concerned :)

  • For years never got an O from guys alone until I found my guy
    who loved me enough to "work on" all that = ooohlala!

  • Having sexual and physical desires that do not cause conflict in the relationship

  • Sexual chemistry and an interest or willingness to try certain things. Things that may turn me on could turn someone else off and vice versa. It's about finding the perfect balance of give and take (pleasure wise).

  • It is that you both want to try the same things. To have your heart's willing to try something or to just keep things original. That you both want to pleasure each other how each other wants to be pleasured.

  • Usually that he's on parole... Or even work release.

  • Sexual compatibility is extremely important because the existence of the sexual chemistry derrives from it, and the more chemistey there is, the better the sex.

  • It's important to have someone who can read your body language. Who knows what sort of moves to make and when. A lot of couples never really achieve that. It's part of the chemistry. It's important in a relationship.

  • Sexual compatibility to me, means, the ability of chemistry & sexual attraction to be an on-going interest & curiosity, and a keen interest in both expressing interest and exploring one another together and whatever is created together as being ultimately exciting for both

  • Having the same likes, the way we like things in bed, the way we like to be approach, roles, that sort of stuff. And of course chemistry, seeing the other person and wanting to be with them sexually. Being toched by them and feeling sparks

  • Both partners are able and willing to give each other what each wants.

    If a guy wants a dominant woman, one that only wants to be submissive all the time isn't going to be compatible with him.

  • We both want to please each other and neither of us really, really wants to do something that the other refuses to do.

  • similar libido (so desire for sex). similar likes in terms of sexual acts, positions, etc

  • Aghh that guy scared meee!! I thouht he was a chair!!

    • Right

  • A shared sense in sexual activity, including but not limited to frequency, engaging, roles, and conversation

  • That you're into the same stuff.

  • I would like her to keep an open mind to different sexual pleasures. I am a pretty sexual guy myself with a pretty good amount of patience so it could range from only foreplay and tesing to trying something new out in new places. Keeps the fire going. I could not imagine a relationship without sex.

  • Sharing the same sexual fantasies desires wants basically been in touch with each other in tune with each other, I should be able to look deep into her eyes and hear her telling me what she wants without saying a word but since I'm single I don't know LOL what's it mean to you, this is a very good question

  • Starts with a mutual interest in sex and from there the varied and specific details are enjoyable to both.

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