What's in your panty drawer?

OK, this is going to be like MTV's Cribs, except you're going to take us on a tour of your panty drawer :)) Share your favorite panties, tell us about ones that have a story, and don't forget the ones that have made the ultimate sacrifice and now serve as period panties. And if you're hiding things like toys and love letters in your panty drawer, the world wants to know! Let the Panty Drawer Tour begin!
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Oh, this is a fun an unique question! I wouldn't say that I have any special panties -- I don't even remember the ones I was wearing when I lost my virginity. I have some favorites and some that I don't care for. Some of my favorite are 2 thongs -- they are black and pink lace. I just recently got them while Christmas shopping and I love them! I'd say I have an equal balance of half thongs and half boy shorts. I have about 4 or 5 pairs of bikini style panties and 4 or 5 g-strings as well. I'm an underwear fanatic. Some girls go crazy of purses and some over shoes, but I'm definitely underwear -- bras included :)

    Along with panties I also have some small packets of lube that me and my best girl friend bought when we visited the sex shop last time I was in my hometown. My boyfriend and I have gotten into most of them, but I believe there are still 2 or 3 in there. While we were at the sex shop we also bought little pacifier like things with penises instead of a nipple for a baby. They were only about a buck and we bought them for fun! I have a few condoms for protection even though I'm on the pill. I have 2 books -- 1 is a sex games book and 1 is his and hers relationship books. They're interesting reads. I have a set of love dice. And to round it out, I have small little ziplock backs full of folded pieces of paper with kinky little dares on them that me and my boyfriend like to play around with.

    • You kinky thing, I like!

  • My panty drawer can barely contain the amount and different types that I have, haha. I have a lot of the standard bikini style underwear and boyshorts, because I find them the most comfortable. There are the special few that I have for special occassions though, hehe. I've got a few g strings/ thongs and cheekies. Most of which are hot pink, black, and red, since I think I look best in those colors. I really like lacey/sheer underwear. But I also have a few with penguins and little polka-dots since I find them rather cute, haha.

  • I love to go comando! No underpants during the day for me thanks! All bare :) I have about ten thongs that I wear only when my monthly visitor is here. Also in my panty drawer are like 20 pairs of boy shorts because that is all I wear around the house. I have just about every color. My favorite ones are the ones from PINK. They are mostly striped or plaid or checkered. I also have an erotic novel, a toy, some really yummy flavored motion lotion, and a few bottles of "good head"

    • :O

Most Helpful Guys

  • My panty drawer has over 70 pairs I have bikini, high leg briefs , hip huggers , ruched back hip huggers , thongs , Lacey panties , string bikinis , I love wearing panties as a guy more men should try it

  • If I went through a girl’s panty drawer, I’d hope to see some regular panties. Their my favorite.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • Meh, it's just panties. When I was younger I would remember which panties I was wearing when something happened, but I don't remember that at all anymore. My brain got filled up with other stuff, I guess. I have a general sense of which colors my boyfriend likes and other than that all I'm seeing there is clothing.

  • Pink zebra print pink with little white polka dots or a few hello kitty bikinis all mine are bikins some have little hearts on them too all my underwear cute

    • They are !

  • black boyshorts, lacey lingerie, a garter belt and a few corset things.

  • y in the world would you ever wanna know? if a girl asked you wats in ur underwear drawer, not to mention a RANDOM girl, why the hell would you tell them? y do you wanna know?

    • He has a fetish maybe?

  • hmmn I still live in my rents house so I don't keep anything relating to boys around before my mom goes through stuff and busts my ass.everything revolving around guys like pics and stuff is on my computer with a password so no one can find out.

    my panties I love fruity colors and pink, so I have a lot of that.it depends on how I feel that day to wear a nice one, sometimes I like lace, and then other days I go simple and wear hanes cotton bikini underwear.

    • Cute