Guys can be placed in two categories that look at porn. One are the guys that look at it occasionally more out of curiosity than anything else and it never overly stimulates them. They fine the women beautiful, the guys as studs, the acts distasteful and indecent and no more. The other group looks at porn for the purpose of getting turned on and many of those will masturbate and let their minds wonder and get influenced by what they're watching. It's like many guys will get sex thoughts in their heads when looking at any girl they think looks hot, while others look at the same girls as girls that know how to dress very attractive. It's crazy to say that ALL guys look at porn like addicts and will be stimulated by that crap all their lives. That's just not true for the first category and don't let any guys or girls that see it that way convince you. That's like saying we have no will power, like we can't control our minds and what we think about. That of course is completely false. In this world there are winners and losers and many in-between. Those that allow themselves to be addicted and pleasured by porn are probably those at the bottom of the losers list. It's kind of like how they classify people in three groups. The first group are people that don't know what's happening. The second group knows what's happening but don't care. The third group are the ones that make things happen. This last group are the people that have developed their minds creatively rather than give in to every impulse and urge that felt good. You just don't need to put up with a guy that tells you he looks at porn all the time. There's better choices for you out there. It'd disrespectful to women and indecent. There's much better things to do for enjoyment, and for learning how to get ahead and better one's self.
3 0 0 0I had to have my daughters come of age(12), see life through their eyes, look at myself, and adjust my values to get myself to stop looking at porn. I didn't care what my now-ex thought of me but when I realized what my little girl would think of me I had to stop looking.
I gotta tell ya too that life is better with out porn. All that energy misdirected away from your partner can now be refocused right at her. Instead of having half a real life and half a fantasy life you can have a whole real life. She can have a whole real life too.
BTW, are you fantasizing about other men at all? That's pretty much the same thing ya know. Just asking.1 0 0 1Nope, I don't fantasize about other men
Most Helpful Girls
well first off not all guys look at porn! and second I think some guys get angry that their girls are looking at other naked men because they can get intimidated by it. and don't worry, I'm sure he won't get addicted. but if you've told him that it bothers you and he still doesn't stop, then maybe you need to rethink about your relationship, becuase if he doesn't care enough about your feelings to at least try and stop, then maybe he isn't the one.
p.s. try giving him a reason to stop watching porn, like put some moves on him or something! ;)0 1 0 0omg, your the same as me. I get upset when my boyfriend watchs porn too its like his lusting over another female, naked. But I don't look up naked guys I already have enough, it upsets me cause he can get so turned on over porn, it puts my self esteem down, it makes me think that I have to look like a busty blonde, with nice curves and a fat ass and fake massive t*ts, I think to myself why he does it, I wish he didnt, I wish guys could just quit it.
0 0 0 0He was looking at porn before he ever met you. If he didn't want to be with you for you, then he wouldn't be with you.
I've never heard of guys getting mad about their girlfriends looking at porn. probably cause girls rarely look at porn! Anyways, besides the point. I don't think there's anything to worry about ! Guys will be guys. they like porn. and quite frankly, it's natural to want to see beautiful people doing such a beautiful thing!
0 0 0 0They never stop, hate to break it to you, but its true.
0 0 0 0
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2 7not all guys look at porn, I'm 17 and I have only looked at it once and it was pretty fricken made me feel like a loser and I also had to hide while I was watching it (just some website, no video or anything) because its supposedly bad to look at this stuff. I don't think there is anything wrong with it really but meh, I wouldn't do it.
The others summed up your question :) I added my opinion0 0 0 0Short answer: Guys will never stop looking at porn and stuff. Never. Never ever ever ever. Some of the oldest art in the world is of naked women.
Guys are always going to look at other girls, even when they're married and 100% faithful and love you. It doesn't mean "you're not enough," and that's an unrealistic all-or-nothing outlook. He's going to look at other girls. You need to accept that fact. You look at other guys, he looks at other girls. Do you know for a fact he'd get angry if you looked at guys online? Your boyfriend might not care.
Guys masturbate, and sometimes we do it a lot. Again, it's no reflection on you. We do it because we can and because it feels good. Accept the fact that guys jerk off when we're single and when we're in a relationship.
And don't take this the wrong way, but you might need to get over your hurt feelings. The fact that your feelings are hurt doesn't necessarily mean anything, and are not necessarily a reason he should do (or not do) anything. It's not all about you.
Porn is a different issue to me, and much more complicated. I think porn CAN be a problem in some relationships. If a guy occasionally masturbates to porn, I don't see that as a problem. But if he'd rather look at porn than be with you, that's a problem. If a guy expects you to act like a porn star, that's a problem.
I suspect that the more you make this an issue, the more he'll resent you for it.0 1 0 01 more vote for we never stop!
A thought too - even if you own a Porsche, you can appreciate the lines of a BMW. Just because you gave a girlfriend doesn't mean all the other girls suddenly become unattractive.0 0 0 0so what if he is addicted? . I don't see any consequences of that. also I don't have a problem with any of my girlfriends when they looked at porn, I actually told them to come get me if they found something cool they wanted to try (Grin).
anyways, your boyfriend having sexual desires is nothing to be concerned about. it just means he is a human (good thing).
but to be honest, if it hurts you, then you should try and explain this to him and tel him how serious it is to you, I wouldn't get upset with him because he is human and he is basically programed to like this stuff and to be addicted to it, especially if its as easily accessible now with the internet.0 0 0 0link
Yeah.1 0 0 0
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