Guys, when you masturbate, where do you cum? Maybe you got a prefered "place" ?

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Most Helpful Guys

  • My favourite place is in in my blanket cover. I don´t usually sleep on it, neither cover with it (ocasionally only). It is a very decent place and it has only this purpose. Also it is the only thing thick enough to absorb the load without making mess.

    • Same here. love it

    • Thanks for MH! :)

  • Either in the shower (easiest clean up there is) or in bed lying down on my back. I cum on my belly (or higher depending how far I shoot), and have a wash cloth ready to wipe up the semen.

    • thanks for MHO!

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What Guys Said

  • I am a strong shooter, and I have really big loads, so I tend to make one hell of a mess. I won't even consider masturbating, unless I have a bath towel handy; otherwise it gets everywhere, lol.

    • They call me... The Shotgun!!!

  • Usually into a pair of my wifes silky panties or a towel. I used to use socks when I was younger. Fit nice and cleanup was a piece of cake. That and doing it 2-3 times a day, I needed lots of socks.

  • I have a sock that no longer has a twin. Not good for much else. Use it, wash it.
    Tried tissues. Paper just breaks up and sticks to shit. Not a good solution.

    • so trueee

  • Depends on my mood. When I'm feeling really kinky I'll cum on my face. Usually tho just into some tissues or something. Sometimes I'll lay on my, back and let it run down my dick and balls. All depends on mood and time

  • On my stomach or onto a piece of dirty laundry that I am going to wash anyway.