Why do guys get circumcised?

Does being circumcised make things feel different like during sex?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Generally, we don't. It's usually done shortly after birth and without anesthetic. The guy, being of course only an infant, has no say in the matter. Also for some religions (most notably Judaism) it's a religious rite.

    It does make a difference as to how things feel during sex, I'm sure, but what difference it makes and how much difference it makes few men can say. Most men have not been circumcised late enough in life so as to have had intercourse both with and without a foreskin. And even then it's probably a subjective thing and varies from guy to guy.

    As evidenced by most of the answers, what little that most people know about it is largely myth. An uncircumcised penis is no less clean and hygienic than a circumcised one. Having sex with an uncircumcised guy is more dangerous than with a circumcised one.

    If having a foreskin was truly so unsanitary why would it be there in the first place? It's female counterpart, the hood of the clitoris, isn't cut off at birth, why should a guys foreskin be? It's an obsolete medical procedure that has little benefit, if any.

  • It's usually done at birth so guys don't have much of a choice usually. Circumcision is relatively uncommon in Europe but it's quite common in the USA. Personally I don't think it's right for parents to amputate parts of their kids bodies without a good medical reason.

Most Helpful Girls

  • its so they don't get infections.. uncircumsized guys have to pull back the skin to clean themslfs

    • All cleaning can be done within 10 seconds under a shower. Circumcision to avoid infection only makes sense when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back, which is very rare.

    • Lol

    • That's a myth

  • The guys don't get a say about this, their parents do

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 12
  • Its cleaner, and more neat. I do believe you will feel less during sex though.

  • this article presents both sides of the issue very clearly.


  • To avoid getting smegma and to not have an anteater-looking penis

    • Lol! You're Jewish!

    • Yeah, which is why I don't have cockcheese

  • most of the time it's not by their own choice, the moment a male infant is born the parent decides for them.

  • We don't get a say in it. It's up to our parents.