Why do so many people, think we guys have the upper hand, have it easier than girls in the dating/relationship?

boyfriend/girlfriend scene? C'mon, this should be obvious, whenever people are angry, complain, depressed, frustrated about being single, about having horrible, bad luck attracting members of the oppossite sex, being unable to get a date or boyfriend/girlfriend, it is generally, usually guys, not girls, and it's not just on this site, it happens on many other similiar sites, PUA Forms, Don Juan Forums, and even Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and in real life, etc. Also, whenever there is dating and relationship, how to attract, how to talk, approach, hook-up advice, it is almost always geared towards guys, not girls, c'mon, why do you think people such as Neil Strauss who wrote "The Game", and Mystery Method, David DeAngelo, David X, Alan Roger Currie, Ross Jeffries, and many others out there. C'mon, if there is no attraction happening between the guy and the girl, it is almost always the guy's fault, because obviously that's the tradition that has been around for centuries and probably always will be. When girls are asking advice, it is almost always advice what to do while the relationship has already started, while they are already boyfriend/girlfriend, but for guys, it's mainly how to get the girl, how to attract her, get her to like him and that's far more important than while in the relationship, getting it started is the biggest stage, step. that's why there are no women, men, or just people who write books, articles, that give advice to women, girls on how to attract and talk, be successful with guys, men. Also, there are more male virgins out there than there are female virgins very likely, since obviously it is much easier for a girl to get laid, same thing with single people, for people who have never been in a relationship, never dated, have always been single, there are probably more guys out there in that situation than there are girls. That it's easier for a girl to get a boyfriend than it is for a guy to get a girlfriend, and I hate it when people say "for every girl that has a boyfriend that guy has a girlfriend, so it does not make sense to them" yes obviously that is true but the guy had to do all or most of the girl in order to get the girl, the girl did not have to do anything. Also, they say that throughout Human History, since the beginning of Human Civilation, that less men have passed on their genes than women have, more women than men have passed on their genes to the next generation, I forgot how they literally, said that but it makes sense. So girls, do you feel you have it easier than we guys do since all you girls have to wait, stand still, and welcome or deny advances? that you girls have "Veto Power" you have the Final Say, all you have to do is approve of the date and relationship, you girls control the outcome, girls actually choose the guy more than the guy chooses the girl because whoever is the one to initiate, does not get to have the final say. Obviously I can't speak for every guy.
Yes, girls have it easier, have the upper hand
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No, it's equally hard for both guys and girls, both sexes
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No, guys have it easier, have the upper hand
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Just want to see the results
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Girl Guy
+1 y
girls want a guy who doesn't need them to feel good about himself, girls can get validation from guys but guys can't get validation from girls, we have to be cocky funny, be a tease in a playful way, we have to have confidence, have the right attitude, the right mentality, the right social-skills, conversation-skills, etc. Girls can be a loser and still get a guy, but we guys can't be a loser, we guys have to project a winning-attitude, mentality towards them, that is never easy.
+1 y
Also, so many things turn girls, women off, the list of things, behaviors that turn girls off is way longer than the list of behaviors that turn guys off, seriously, a guy can look like Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, David Beckham, Tom Brady, Channing Tatum, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, a GQ Model, or just overall any physically fit, good-looking guy, but if that guy has no confidence, is boring, not interesting, had bad social-skills, he is screwed then.
+1 y
We guys have to be in control of our lives, be aggressive and assertive about knowing what we want and doing what we want, going after what we want, People who have no code, no rules by which they live their lives, no standards by which they hold themselves up to, are weak people. They look for others to give them an identity, to give them a purpose. Women do not need these traits, but Men do,
+1 y
Seriously, how is it easier to be a male?
1 0

Most Helpful Girls

  • I'm really very tired & bored of these silly questions that try to state facts by saying "they" say this & "they" say that. But you don't know who "they" are.

    The simple fact is, everyone believes they have it worse off than the next guy. Men think they have it worse than women. Women think they have it worse than men. NOBODY, NOBODY can prove who has it worse off in the dating/mating game. NOBODY! Get that through your head.

    I know of no women who just stand around, either by themselves or in herds, waiting to welcome or

    "veto" your advances. That is truly one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Absolutely absurd! Women do not control the outcome of choosing relationships or who goes with whom. The opposite is said by women who are shot down by men or who are never asked to dance by a man at the bars or ever asked out. You see, women feel the same as you do about this.

    As there is a higher population of women than men, so your hypothesis about more women mating & trolloping about is a fallacy.

    When I read this stuff, I wonder what has made someone think such things & why it has to be such a bitter contest? If you ever want to have a good, healthy & loving relationship with a woman, I strongly suggest that you just chill & give up the war. It truly isn't worth it, is it? Why bother? Everyone has their share of the problems. Unless you are just trolling, I don't expect to see a response.

    • ummm yes women do control the outcome they have the final say

    • Hardly. Men say no & walk away from women, and just don't "approach" women in the first place, just as much as women.

    • Re: your update, I don't know any man who want to date losers. You had better bet that the majority of men want a woman who will validate them, have a great personality, confidence, the right attitude, the right mentality, the right social-skills, conversation-skills & make him feel like a man. Oh! did I mention that she had better be hot too? Two way street buddy. No man wants a brainless, ugly, no personality, bad attitude, poor social skill, awkward gal...you wouldn't go after her. THINK!

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  • It still is easier for a guy, there is all these help books for guys to land a guy because they have to do the approaching, but to be quite honest even if your not the best looking dude all you have to do is have money and a good personality. I mean look at Jay z and little Wayne, Flavor Flav, guys choose girls 80% on their looks if a girl has a good personality a guy wouldn't look twice if she wasn't attractive. Women have to do so much more to land a guy keep our hair up every part of our body shaved, act lady like but don't be a prude guy can just keep asking girls out all day eventually someone will say yes, girl have to wait to be picked off a shelf. We don't get to choose the guys we only get the choice of the small group of guys that actually ask us out.

    • actually, looks are more important to girls than what people make it out to be

    • When it comes to courting, I strongly disagree. Guys are the ones who are expected to come up to girls, ask them out, initiate plans, pay for the dates, etc. What do girls have to do? Just wait for the guy to come to them, and choose which ever one she sees fit. And if she is decent looking and has a decent social life, she will have guys come up to her on a regular basis.

    • at MrNameless: cut & paste: just because you haven't experienced a girl initiating contact with you, doesn't mean that lots of females do it, & get shot down. I know plenty that do "initiate contact" (God, I hate that term, sounds like alien relations). It's like a billion $, just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Report

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  • HAHAHA... I laugh at this.. Girls DO NOT have it easier. From what I've learned it seems like all the guys that I went after had the UPPER hand. And never really liked me. Girls experience rejection just as much as guys do. Unless the guy is totally nice and likes her.

    Trust me, girls experience rejection to. We get ditched. We get cheated on. We get abandoned. We are sometimes the "rebound" chick.

    Trust me girls have it hard to!

    • OH PLEASE It's statiscally impossible that men cheat more than women. It doesn't make any sense to say we do. The majority of divorces is instigated by the woman. Rebounds happen to guys as well. In western society, women still face discrimination in certain work places like the army or the police force. Men face discrimination in every other part of western society.

    • how do girls experience rejected when they are not initiating anything? and a lot of guys out there would love to get their heart broken, ditched, cheated on, be the rebound, because they would rather have loved and lost than never have loved at all

    • copy+paste from another comment I made: When it comes to courting, I strongly disagree. Guys are the ones who are expected to come up to girls, ask them out, initiate plans, pay for the dates, etc. What do girls have to do? Just wait for the guy to come to them, and choose which ever one she sees fit. And if she is decent looking and has a decent social life, she will have guys come up to her on a regular basis. Girls cheat just as much as guys do these days also.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Cause they're stupid. Guys do ALL the real work tbh. I'm sorry to say it, but guys almost all the time (studies show around 80-90% of the time) initiate the relationships. Sure women might do their fair share well after the relationship is started, but the relationship would never exist if men didn't initiate it. And since it's so hard to initiate (muster the courage, get the girl interested, etc) it's really more on guys in the dating world and it's unfair that men are expected to initiate and pisses me off.

    • BINGO!

    • 1 woman is clearly pissed at the truth lol. Soon to be more, I'm sure.

    • lol, yeah she is pissed

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  • Women have it INFINITELY easier... you can't deny it.

    • yeah, they have higher standards, expectations

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2 8
  • Because most girls loving playing the victim.

    • agreed, and I know I'm right, almost all the time, it is guys who are frustrated by their lack of success with girls, but rarely girls frustrated by their lack of success with guys, like guys will complain, be angry, depressed about it more, and whenever there is advice for people on how to get a relationship, get a date, like I said, it is geared towards the guys mainly, not girls, so basically girls have it easy from the beginning

    • to QA: you obviously haven't read all of the questions. There are a wealth of questions on GAG from women on how to, where to get a man, how to talk to men, how to ask them out, etc. You're just not seeing them.

    • well not as much as guys ask those questions

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  • well if men had just as high standards as women did, the human race would have gone extinct in no time

  • yup, they sure do

  • I think by the time they reach adulthood, everyone knows women have it easier when it comes to dating, relationships, casual sex. It is pretty obvious. ^^'

  • yeah, well life is never fair