Wait a second... How in the hell could you not be aware men are concerned about the size of their dicks? That is ALL we are concerned about when it comes to our bodies/appearance. Damn woman– Don't you realize the only thing driving our emphasis on fashion/wardrobe; going to the gym; and driving powerful vehicles is all motivated by us being unsure of how big our dicks are compared to other men? I promise you lady, if a man knew he had the biggest cock around he'd be an out of shape slob who only wore T shirts & sweatpants, and he'd drive a 1996 Ford Ranger. As men, we derive all of our physical masculinity from our dicks. To us, it is the physical representation of our attractiveness and manliness. Penis size is to a man what an antler spread is to a deer or moose. Our dick size is our mane if we were lions. Our feathers if we were peacocks. The silver in our backs if we were gorillas. It's just the way we're wired. That's why it doesn't matter what you ladies tell us about our size being good enough or satisfactory for you. It's because we really don't care about what it does for you as much as what it does for us; I. E., what it says about our dominance to other men. And when we find out you've been with someone larger than ourselves... well, we feel defeated. Which is why we never respond or rebound to our earlier selves in the relationship once we've learned we're not your biggest. Because to us it just feels like hollow words to console us; a female simply doing what a female does in these situations. To us, finding out our girlfriend has been with a larger man is like knowing we got our ass kicked in a fight and our girlfriend was there to watch every minute of it. Of course she'll say things to make us feel better like, "Ah well, you're still a better fighter than that guy" or "You're still tougher & stronger than a lot of other guys" and "I still love you anyway". Ya'know what I'm saying? It just comes across as lip service while deep down, we will always know we were bested by another male in front of you. And that type of thing REALLY, REALLY hurts guys. No man wants to be defeated in front of his woman at anything. Especially sex/dick size.
0 0 0 0Being a realist, look the situation. Girls are always taking about how bigger is better whenever size is mentioned, we watch p*rn daily and only see big ones, we are told constantly that women want to be filled up or that our size relates to our masculinity or how much pleasure we can give, we hear stories of girls laughing and making fun of small ones.
We think logically to ourselves "wait umm, how come I've never heard a woman say she prefers a smaller one"? There it lies, the truth. Once the seed implants into our heads it will take a ton effort to convince someone otherwise.
Look around on this site and some of the old penis size questions and you will catch the drift pretty fast 90% of the girls will say she wants it to be 6-8 inches long and also thick.1 6 1 0
Most Helpful Girls
It's because men watch too much p*rn. The men in p*rn have huge penises because p*rn respects what men what, not women. Men secretly desire to have big beautiful penises, & when they see this man with a huge d***, it subconsciously fulfilling their desire. But after watching this, men think, "Man, that guy's penis was twice the size of mine," & feel like sh*t. They put the blame on women, & say women want big beautiful penises, but it's really men who are obsessed with their size. Most women, not all, don't care about penis size, & are completely content with the average size or even less. But men don't hear this because they see female p*rn stars supposedly getting pleasure from the big beautiful penis, & think penis size counts. These women are faking orgasms, & I know this because the men never give the girls foreplay, oral, or hell anything in return. The women are focused on the man's pleasure & the men just take it & never decide to return the favor. I guess that is the male fantasy, to get as much pleasure as they can, but to never have to reciprocate. Men think because these men have big penises, they don't have to do anything but pull their penis out, but in reality, women like men, even with big penises, to return the favor.
2 0 0 3Interesting theory, thank you
This is a very pointed view and turns a men's issue into a anti p*rn feminist platform. It's an insecurity men have. Women have insecurities as well. Some women won't let men go down on them because they are embarrassed by the way they smell or taste. A similar body issue image that's in the mind of the individual.
The same can be said for breast size on women. It's female driven. Most men don't care what size they are.
Because a lot of guys on this site think they're not successful with women, dating & sex 100% because of their small penors. When in reality, they're holding themselves back by not dealing with what really causes their anxiety & insecurity.
Dudes know there's no changing your penis (aside from risky, expensive & not all that successful medical procedures), so they choose to focus on that (the negative) rather than change what CAN be fixed -- confidence, style, fitness level, etc..1 0 0 3That makes some sense. It's very self destructive though, hopefully they listen to what you're saying here.
People only change when they make a conscious effort to. I could spout this stuff until I'm blue in the face.
Well, you are very intelligent, so I hope someone listens to you.
i don't know but its REALLY annoying to get bitchy over preferences for size guys!
2 0 2 6What do you mean, bitchy over preferences for size guys?
alot of guys on here bitch and complain when girls prefer a larger sized guy verses "average." I've been bitched at like crazy because I won't go anything smaller than 8... its just extremely annoying lol
Oh, I see. I guess we all have our preferences, & they felt a little insecure knowing they didn't meet your requirements. But, if that is your preference, then I think people have to respect that. I mean, some guys say they have expectations that I don't feel I meet, but I respect that this is what they want, & don't expect them to change. I just find the other wonderful men out there who do want me just the way I am. Good luck & don't let others get you down.
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2 20Why are some women insecure about their breast size? Why are people insecure about their physical appearance in general? It's the same thing, insecurity and self-consciousness.
0 2 0 1I understand. I guess I'd never really heard a guy say he was insecure about his penis, so it was a surprise when I came on to this site. I just joined yesterday, lol.
Oh l well you'll be seeing it a lot more then. Tons of guys on here ate constantly asking questions regarding penis size. I see a lot if breast size questions too. So get used to it Lol
Oh, wow. That probably gets a little annoying to have to constantly be bombarded with those questions. Do they basically ask the same questions?
We get self-conscious because (some) women talk about penis size the way men do about weight. They set lower limits and stuff that really intimidate men, pretty much like what we do with girls and weight, with upper limits. Both sexes say size doesn't matter, even though to some it does.
1 0 0 0Yeah, I get you. Men do seem to set some high goals for women, & it can be intimidating. But I've learned that's their problem, not mine. I'm me & I'm not going to change for any guy. I would suggest to men not to be intimidated by some girl's opinions, we don't all have ridiculous expectations. There are some men who would only want a girl who looks like Taylor Swift, but there are other guys who are not so outragious. Women are the same, I promise.
Those guys who are insecure about their penis size are a bunch of morons. They still haven't comprehended the fact that their penises won't grow bigger by complaining, and girls won't change their standards, either.
My thoughts about this matter are very simple: I have a penis, if a girl doesn't like, then she can leave and find a bigger one or f**k herself with a dildo. :)1 1 0 0Haha wicked answer. Good one!
Everybody has their insecurities. Most men about their penis. Just a fact of life.
0 1 0 0Was that question directed to me? In that case, I mean women generally. Of course there are those of you completely satisfied with your boobs and or bum. But the average girl/woman is pretty insescure about it.
0 0 0 0No, why would this question be directed at you? I didn't even know you had any kind of insecurity, yet a penis insecurity.
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