A man should never hit a woman? Do you think my beliefs are wrong?

My brother and I were having a talk about this where the question was:

"If a woman fought mom, what would you do?"

My brother doesn't hit women, so he said he'd restrain or hold her

I said I'd punch her in the face, knee her in the tits, etc.

We're definitely not the same lol

She can be the same age as my mom and she's still getting everything if she is attacking my mom.

I hate being called a "gentleman"
I'm not that and i think it's a term only weak men enjoy being called.

No one gets off if they are attacking mom, except little kids, senior citizens, disabled people, etc. The obvious protected groups.

If a woman hit me, she's getting hit.

My brother just has a code that doesn't involve hitting women.
A man should never hit a woman? Do you think my beliefs are wrong?
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Oh, also, if my wife got attacked by a woman, I'm whooping that woman's ass.
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All of this to say, I have NEVER struck or even pushed a woman in my life. I hope I don't have to, but if I do I don't really have qualms about it and if it's people who I love that are getting hurt, I definitely have no disagreements about it.
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  • All you would need to do is barely put your hands on her and she would stop...

    I would just restrain her, or remove myself from the situation.

    • right... but you're a man, and that's what a man would do cowards though, they would take advantage of the weaker any chance they could, because they're not real men, they are just cowards... lol

    • Lol I love you for this comment! 😂🤝💯

    • @NathanDavis he’s just scared she may actually win 😂 he’s like no! Can’t take that chance of getting butt whipped! I’ll murder her if I have to! I’m a “REAL” man Yeah REAL animalistic lmfao What does 2022 do with people like him? Gosh lol

  • I'm with your brother on this one. I'd never hit a woman either. I'm a lot stronger than some women and I might kill her if I hit her hard enough. I would simply restrain her until the authorities came

  • Sorry; I'm with your brother.

  • When did you first fantasize about beating women?

  • Absolutely right, A guy should never be violent with a woman

  • noone should ever hit anyone

  • Nobody NOBODY is above an ass whooping.

    violence is the answer people hate pain

    But it’s okay we all have phobias some people can’t cross the street without looking both ways and you can’t knock a female head off her shoulders

  • Never will I strike a woman. I will put up a shield if I'm being struck and move away. Women's bodies are weaker than men's, so when I get hit, it doesn't really hurt me, but when a man hits a woman, she will suffer major injuries.

    As a man I will avoid violence. Reacting to violence with violence will surely be a big trouble. If I can avoid it, why wouldn't I just avoid it? I agree with your brother.

  • I believe in words

  • Knee her in the tits?

    What’s next, a titty twister?