Girls, are you nervous about your boyfriend seeing your naked butt for the first time?

Girls, are you nervous about your boyfriend seeing your naked butt for the first time?
I have had several girlfriends who seemed to be terrified of the prospect of me actually ever seeing their naked tookus. It literally took months before they became comfortable with me seeing their behonkey! They were attractive women and their was nothing wrong with their behinds; I thought they were cute. I never really understood the discomfort.

How do you feel about Mr. Right (or the current guy) getting a look at your southern exposure? Is it a turn on? Turn off? Scary? Exhilarating? What goes through your mind when he finally sees it?
What's a boyfriend?
Vote A
I've had boyfriends but they never saw me naked!
Vote B
The only time I have sex with my boyfriend is at night when the lights are turned off
Vote C
I don't want my boyfriend to see my behind because it's ugly
Vote D
If I let my boyfriend see my naked butt, he'll think I want to have anal sex!
Vote E
My boyfriend has seen my naked butt - no big deal!
Vote F
My boyfriend has seen my naked butt and played with it - Yum!
Vote G
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What Girls Said

  • I think it's because we're all hard on ourselves. Girls, because we compare ourselves to other (sometimes prettier) girls, we only see the flaws in our bodies. We pay attention to the details while guys simply appreciate the whole picture. Girls are also self-conscious about stretch marks and cellulite (which is pretty common on the butt and upper thighs). We tend to scrutinize ourselves and want to look "perfect" which is obviously very unrealistic :)

  • No. I have a great body

  • My butt not but my breasts yes. It's just I have more confidence with one than the other