Guys, Be Honest! Are you attracted to girls based on their Appearance rather than their Personality?

Curvy body, Thick, Big Boobs, Popularity, and Attractive face? Why?
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What Guys Said

  • Both play a factor and both are required

    • At the end of yhe day you can be the best looking girl but if you are a complete asshole guys won't stay past just wanting to fuck but also you can be the most hill and respectful person but as long as u look fugly guys won't want a relationship

  • It's usually a mix oflooks and personality usually

  • It is both.
    A guy can be physically attracted totally on looks. He can even dislike her and think she has a sexy body.
    A personality he likes would make him want to be around her all the time and he can fall for her and want a relationship. It takes both, you need to find her attractive and you need to like their personality. One night stands can be based on nothing other than I like that body and want to have a taste. Falling in love and marriage is she is the most adorable person I have ever met.

  • pretty much,

    its like this,
    i care about sexyness and looks 8 / 10

    personality 2/10

    so personality matters a little, but im mostly attracted to a girl that looks hot

    • maybe thats jus cos all i want from a relationship is sex, thats the only use i see for girls or girlfriend, i dont desire companionship or friendship, if i did i would jus get a male friend, i jus want a girlfriend for sex,,,,,,,, so only looks should matter

  • most of the time. physically attraction is what gets a guy to walk over and talk to a girl.

    but mentally attraction (personality/attitude) are what will keep him coming back around. in the long term

  • I answered yes, but only initially. A beautiful woman can turn ugly pretty quickly when she opens her mouth and detritus flows out. The inverse can also be true a woman you didn't give a second glance at can become physically appealing when her personality sparks something in a man.

  • Physical attraction starts things but personality is critical.

  • My attraction is based on their looks (though your idea of what guys like physically is not even what most guys like) and sexual chemistry - what they're into, how they respond to things, how they react to me.

    My desire to be with a girl is based on my attraction to her, AND how I like her (based on personality) AND how emotionally close we become.

    Guys very very rarely care about a girl's popularity or status. Guys use status and popularity to get attractive women, they don't use women to get status. And they don't care about a woman's status, at least not on those parameters.

  • Looks can change in a heartbeat. Character stays regardless.

  • Not really, it takes both for me, a good personality and an attractive appearance.

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