"Being an attractive woman = living life on easy mode." Agree or disagree?

Let's face it. Being an attractive woman is like playing the game of life on easy mode.
If you are a female and were born attractive (and work to keep yourself attractive) you are guaranteed to live your life on easy mode. Men (and some women) are going to trip over themselves to help you whenever you should need it. Beautiful women can use their seducing powers to get ahead in life. Attractive women can have all their necessities handed to them if they choose. If you are an attractive woman there are tons of guys out there willing to wait on you hand and foot.

- Can get sex at the drop of a hat

- Unlimited dating options

- Can use your sex appeal to get promoted, get out of trouble with the law, etc...

- Going to a bar/club? No need to bring money, you can get all the drinks you want paid for

- Want to eat out at a nice restaurant but dont want to pay? Just hop onto an internet dating site and set up a date. You will easily find a decent looking guy willing to foot the bill.

- Don't want to work? Plenty of men out there who will provide for you.

- Willing to forgo morality and dignity? Everything you do in life is potentially profitable. Turn on your video camera while you shower. Men on cam sites will tip you money for nothing more than practicing the basic hygiene that you were going to have to do anyways.
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  • If she knows & wants to use it to her advantage.

    • Me?💜

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • It's only "easy" if you think about it from a dating angle. What makes life hard is usually completely unrelated to relationships, that is unless you're in an abusive one. I actually know really modelesque girls that are increasingly lonely and have no friends because of their personality/lack of good decision making. I actually would argue that attractive men actually have better dating prospects than attractive women but that's another story.

    • I'd be interested in hearing that argument becuase I disagree strongly with the premise.

    • @VOLcel Looks are in reality a tiny part of life. If I think about the thinks that have made my life difficult it's got to do with work and career, friendships and trying to become a good person. All of which work independently from how I look. Talking to other people, their lives are shaped and made difficult by stuff like family life or a bad economic situation stuff which looks cannot fix. Oh and yeah attractive men get a much easier time dating than women. I'm not considered ugly, but i'm not considered particularly pretty either. By the logic of most men, I, an average woman who is skinny and relatively well-spoken should do well in the dating game but I've actually only been rejected by men i've approached. For a really long time the idea of a man finding me attractive was actually an anomaly. I rarely get approached by men, and have never had someone really pursue me before a sexual encounter.

    • On the other hand, men who I know get practically chased down by women in clubs, messaged constantly by women on facebook and have sexual advances made on them by women they know. I actually don't know a single woman who has had this experience.

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  • Let's see, more likely to be hated by other women, accused of being shallow when you won't sleep with some guy who thinks he is good catch. Being talked about behind your back. Being accused of getting by on your looks.

    I won't say their life is going to be harder but it is hardly easy mode. For that being born rich is going to be better than being born attractive.

  • I have yet to get any of these advantages. Maybe I'm ugly

  • I think this is mainly misleading, just because all of this is through the lens of a man. The assumption is that what a woman wants is exactly like a man’s so, what makes us happy, makes women happy... incorrect. To say that attractive women can get sex whenever they want is misleading because 1) It’s not true for many women, due to shyness, insecurity, etc. 2) While men prefer quantity over quality, women do not.

    • Yup.

    • Women probably think our lives are desirable as well. •No period •No fear of sexual harassment •Acknowledgement for hard work •taken seriously •seen as a person instead of sex object •don’t have to worry about someone’s intentions being only to get sex.

  • disagree looks can’t get you everything you want.

    • People are clueless if they think being attractive hands you a easy life, sure some people can get lucky but that doesn’t mean every attractive female is given everything to her on a plate

    • wrong

    • @BronzedAdonis how can you say that it’s wrong? When you’re a man I know plenty of gorgeous women who have it really bad?

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  • Disagree
    You got men using you for sex or thinking you owe them sex. Got people thinking you're nothing more than a pretty face and undermining you. They judge you and your life based off a glance.

    • Gotta worry about stalkers and rapists and whatnot too

  • You present very good arguments. You should write MyTakes.

    For this question, I agree with you to some extent. She needs to be clever and manipulative though.

    • Exactly, she also needs to know what she’s doing looks without manipulation and knowing how to “charm” people isn’t going to do it.

  • To some degree, yes. I see questions like this a lot, I should just have a copy and paste answer but.
    Men are definitely nicer- but more vulgar. I remember back in school, even elementary, teachers were sweeter to me, simply because having a more symmetrical face is proven to make you more liked by teachers. However, men seem to think they’re entitled to your body, and this is true whether you’re attractive or not. If I reject a guy, there’s a 50/50 chance he’ll turn around and say it’s becasus I’m such a stuck up bitch I think I’m too good for him. Women who aren’t attractive are more likely to not wish to be friends with you- or they will, but are spiteful and generally dislike you. This isn’t true for all women- just insecure ones, who can be attractive or unattractive. If you ever dare call yourself decently attractive, like I’m doing now, people will call you arrogant, cocky, a narcissist, full of yourself. But if you call yourself unattractive, you’re insecure, fishing for compliments, etc. So yeah, there’s a lot of upsides to being a pretty woman. A lot of doors opened for you, both metaphorically and literally. But as a woman, especially an attractive one, there’s a lot of downsides. You have to work twice as hard to be seen seriously. Those promotions you talked about? God forbid we get one out of our own hard work- jokes will be made around the office that we obviously sucked someone’s dick for that pay raise. Also, attractive women are still rejected. Having symmetrical features isn’t an automatic dating pass to the world of guys.

  • It’s an advantage (undeniably) but not a guarantee.

    Also, these attractive women have their own desires too... which *probably* don’t involve favours from those tons of losers. So from their POV life has its own challenges.

  • I disagree. What you wrote above is almost prostitution. Girls can work , stand on their feet, have their money on them own regardless of their look.
    I am also shocked to see many girls agree. How can you agree? The biggest enemy of girls is again girls.

    • Yes, they *can* work and stand on their own feet, but that's the beauty of it; they don't need to. There's always the option of getting a man to leech from. I think it's fair to call that 'easy mode.'

  • I agree that being attractive helps, not just for women, for men too, just like for children and animals too. Even good products sell better when the package has an attractive design.

  • I agree

  • It also means constantly being pursued, sometimes harassed, and the assumption by people who think like this that you didn't actually earn anything you have in life.

    • Once again a social stigma that should had been obsoleted long ago: Underwear Model = loose girl; Bar service girl = whore; A regret of the new millennium!

  • I disagree... it will only get you so far but beauty fades.

  • I think it's a fact.

  • True lol

  • Totally agreed. There are many shortcuts to life available to attractive women that simply aren't available to men. Yes they get more unwanted attention, but that's what the block button is for.

  • Yeah i agree 100%

    They dont know the meaning of hustle

  • I would assume in this day and age

  • If she has a slight sense manipulation towards the opposite sex, then yes, you are absolutely correct.

    If she is a little naive, has little perception towards the opposite sex, and has trouble making good decisions, then yes, it is difficult, in the sense that she probably has a rough past with relationships, whether social/platonic or intimate/sexual. So in that sense, you are incorrect.

    The things is, most women are NOT naive, and are quite good at manipulating men... So I agree with this statement 100% :)

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