Can you be attracted towards a dark skinned person?

Can you be sexually and romantically attracted to a person with quite dark skin , as shown in picture

Can you be attracted towards a dark skinned person?
Can you be attracted towards a dark skinned person?
No , that's a bit to dark skin tone for my taste
Vote A
No way , i am only attracted towards white /pale skinned people
Vote B
Skin colour doesn't matter to me at all. So it's ok
Vote C
I find such dark skin tone attractive and sexy
Vote D
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Superb Opinion

  • This seems like a question that's going to lead to some racist replies 🤔
    As a dark skinned woman (not as dark as the woman in the pictures above. I am more of a mocha color), I honestly don't care what color a person is as long as he treats me with respect.

    However, I can't always say the same towards most men. I've had men of other races admit to me they aren't attracted to, or would never date/bring home a black woman.
    Which yes, that is their right, nothing wrong with having a preference! It honestly comes down to what someone's attracted to! It's just a shame skin color can affect someone's attraction.

    • What's mocha colour? And can you find such level of dark skinned man/woman sexy and appealing?

Most Helpful Guys

  • This sounds, looks, and shockingly (sarcasm) is a racist question... "Can you be attracted to a dark skinned person?" and then posts two pics of the same woman? Are you trying to gauge whether society will be okay with you potentially trying to date a person of similar skin color? Do you reside or are a member of a colorist or racist community? Are you possibly pushing a narrative that darker skin is or will be an issue when it comes to attraction?

    This type of question is not innocent; it's steeped in white supremacist and colorist attitudes and belief systems. I get that there are people who 1) try to say they "don't see color" or whom 2) have a preference for what range of skin tone they themselves find 'acceptable'. But pushing those sentiments along, as your question does, is not helping the problem; it's only adding support to those negative outlooks.

  • Good G0d yes!!! I am by no means "color blind" or even indifferent to race. Any shade from Taylor Swift to Grace Jones has their own jewels of beauty. Part of it is the variations and contrasts.

    Can you be attracted towards a dark skinned person?

Most Helpful Girl

  • Why would their skin tone be an issue? It's just pigmentation.

    • Because of the way it looks, it might be an issue especially if you are pale white

    • What's wrong with the way it looks? I am pretty pale depending in the time of year. I've no issues with it.

    • The way it looks especially in contrast next to a pale Skinned person

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 5
  • Yeah.

    I've seen dark skinned women who are attractive.

  • Girl in the photo looks awesome to me. Sexy smile, fit and attractive. Why would her skin color matter?

  • Been there, done that!

  • Yeap. Doesn't matter much.

    • Matters a bit though?

    • About as much as it matters for the person I'm dating.

    • What would matter you about his/her skin colour? The contrast between your pale skin and his/her dark skin?

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  • Character is relevant. Color is not.