CAN YOU GET PREGNANT even if he pulls out way before ejaculation and do you know anyone who has?

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Superb Opinion

  • It's unlikely but it can definitely happen. "Pre-cum" doesn't typically contain sperm, but it CAN if he's ejaculated recently, and some men's "valve" muscle doesn't completely close, so sperm could leak. Again, the chances are pretty low, but not impossible.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Yes, precum has semen.

    Wear a condom and use birth control if you don't want children. If he refuses to wear a condom, he doesn't deserve sex with you - period.

    He isn't the one who will bear child. You are. Do the right thing for you and leave any guy who tries to tell you otherwise - they are not worthy of you.

    If you never want kids, consider going to Planned Parenthood to look into more permanent solutions like sterilization. Getting my bilateral salpingectomy to ensure I never have kids was the best decision in my life.

    • I don't like permanent decisions.

    • Then don't have children.

  • Pregnancy is possible because some men have traces of viable sperm in their precum, which leaks out prior to ejaculation. Odds are you won’t get pregnant from it though. Pulling out is still like 77% effective overall but it does fail sometimes. I used the pull out method for over a year back in high school and never got pregnant but my best friend did after only a few times, so you never know. The human body is complicated like that.

Most Helpful Guy

  • You never know when an accident can happen. I think I was really lucky once a long time ago. If you are not thinking about bringing a new life into the world, abortion should not be your top birth control activity.

    To be sure, you need some type of birth control and he needs to put a cap on it. That's the best you can do and also have a great time being together.

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2 23
  • Why aren't you on the pill?

  • There is the possibility, yes. Precum can contain some sperm and transfer it to the vagina during coitus, thus resulting in pregnancy.

  • Among sexually active couples who rely exclusively on the withdrawal method for birth control,, approximately 20-25% will get pregnant within any 12 month period.

  • It is very unlikely but a little precum can have spermies

    • My cousin got pregnant and he didn’t cum anywhere near her vagina although they did have unprotected intercourses so is it really that unlikely

    • She may have cheated

    • No it was his baby they got DNA tested so is it really that rare

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  • Yes I know girls that have gottren pregnant from the "pull out method" As you know precum can have sperm in it. Just use condoms every time or go on birth control pills.