College Proffesor Says Lesbian Are Superior, I Hate Being A Man?

My College Proffesor had a segment explaining lesbians are better sex parnets than straight couples and the reason she pointed out

- Studies show that lesbian woman have more orgams than straight woman
- A females body is more asthetically pleasing to the eye than a males body, women are more good looking than men
- We don't need men for protection anymore, this isn't the cave days where we have to fight beast and hunt for food and now days
- Women are either bisexual or lesbian but never straight, while men can be compeltely straight. Even woman who say they are straight are secretly bisexual
- It's easier for us to put up with another woman's needs than a man's, largely because women understand eachother more
- Guys don't know a woman's body as well as another woman does
- Emotionally, women are much more complicated creatures and men aren't as complex
- Guys can knock women up and contribute to over population, and surprise pregancies are a problem
- It's massively more fun to flirt with another woman, men tend to be creepeir
- Women are more attractive during orgams
- Dildo and toys can easily replace men
- Male Penis is useless because most women don't orgasm from penetration and women last longer than men

The proffesor sources was recent study from the Essex University psychology department and a paper by Kristen Droesch called 10 Reasons To Give Up On Men And Become A Lesbian

Honestly as a man I feel inadequate and useless. I ask myself what's the point of men and women? Like How are they even compatible? It feels unfair, evolution fucked up, or God fucked up. I'm not trying to insult lesbians, they should do whatever makes them happy. But I just feel men aren't needed anymore. At this point it seems women are better off being lesbians and men are better off being gay. I honeslty struggle with this and whenever I try to talk to someone about how I feel and my insecurities they think I'm being sexist or homophobic. Sometimes I wish I was gay, thoughts?
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  • Nah, I enjoy banging broads.