Do Girls With Protruding Nipples Draw Your Attention?

I read a hilarious article today about a girl would did an experiment with fake erect nipples. She said she felt like she might as well have been "naked" from the attention she got. The link it below if you feel like reading for context. So... Do they draw your attention?
Credits: Gettysimages
Credits: Gettysimages
0 17

Most Helpful Guys

  • Yes.

    Admission of this fact brings, once again, to the fore a burden of shame that I have not yet shrugged off: the adolescent fascination with the unclad female body, and especially the female breast.

    I can understand (sort of) why breasts are identified with the reproductive system – they have no actual function for the human animal other than feeding offspring, and so—with no other system to apply them rationally to—they go to the nearest-by-association.

    That they are the focus of so much attention by males over the age of three is completely irrational. They serve no purpose outside of: feeding offspring who are not yet able to chew and digest solid food; transferring immune factors from the mother to the child who is born without a prepared adaptive immune system; and, providing the young human with food sufficiently dense in energy that it can provide them with the constant supply of calories needed to fuel their growth and need for body heat (babies actually lack the body mass to offset the body heat loss resulting from their overall body surface, and they don’t shiver to produce heat like older children and adults do).

    So I do not understand this fixation—obsession, even—that human males have on human female breasts. I doubt that many of them do, either. It is a lingering relic of childhood that should be shrugged off and walked away from in order to grow to manhood socially — and to treat women with less disrespect (all of the booby and nipple jokes have GOT to go).

    • Great detailed post!!! Thanks a bunch 😊✌️💟

  • Two words: "Hell Yes"

    I feel bad thought, bc I have a feeling that most girls would be embarrassed or self conscious of their protruding nipples, so I try not to look, bc I don't want her to feel bad, or like she's being stared at, but somehow on an instinctual level, I find myself looking, and then when my conscious mind catches up, I look away, but then try to be more coy about it, by trying to look at them in a reflection or something, so that I'm not looking at her.
    But yeah, on an unconscious and instinctual level, I'm drawn to them almost automatically.

    • Sooooooo helpful. Thank You 💟💖💘

    • Glad that I could help out, and thanks for the MHO.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I go out with no bra all the time but it's hard to tell if guys are acutally staring or not. Most of them are pretty sneaky

    • No man wants to be seen as a perv. If your nipples are clear to see then most guys are looking.

    • Good points about the sneaky. It's rare to catch them directly in the act. 🤯😵

    • I'll tell the truth. I'm staring at 'em baby!! You bet your rock hard nipples I'm staring at 'em!

    • Show All
  • it draws attn.

    Look at Jennifer Aniston.. she made a point in every scene of Friends to be nippled up..

    • Ahahahaha I still haven't watch this show yet. 😵

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What Girls & Guys Said

10 101
  • Definitely, especially if they look like that. But no missile lock. Never missile lock. Always let the breasts fall into view. Don't lock onto the target. Also, try to look at other things. Isn't that tree nice over there? Oh, there's a cute dog. Okay, now she's walking by the dog. Don't missile lock. Do not missile lock. Okay, her breasts are passing into view... Fire! Good. Downloaded it to the hard drive. Done.

    • Have to practice this a lot so that we don't end up walking into sign posts and such.

    • 💖💖💖

  • Definitely. And the girls that do it are usually the strong independent types which also gets my attention!

    • 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • guys think perky/erect nipples means a girl is turned on which is so dumb... the fabric and temperature is what do it...
    this is why i dont go braless. i simply dont want the attention

    • Sameeeeee here girlllllllllllll 👏💖💟

  • I'm sorry, what was the question? I grew entranced by that picture up top for a moment there.

    • I did too lol🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • I think boobs get any guys attention. lol 😂😂😂😂😂

    • I totally agree lol 🤣💖✌️

    • Lol. 😂😂😂😂😂