Guys, Do large areolas turn you completely off?

I am entering Junior year and now the pressure of still being a virgin is starting to come into play. I have no problems with losing the v card but ever since freshman year when puberty hit me like a truck and DDs popped up on my chest, I have been a bit insecure. A lot of guy friends I have say that girls with large breasts are hot, but Im sure they are thinking about the girl on their pornsite with impossibly perky, round large breasts with small nipples - which is not my case. With my large breasts, came large areolas. I just want to know if that is a problem for you? I assume it is, which makes me apprehensive about "doing the sex" with someone and taking off my bra. How much would it suck if I took off my bra during a first time sex experience and got rejected? No fun.
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What Guys Said

  • I love them and I can't see many men rejecting you for them.

  • I don't think you have anything to worry about. The guy you are with is going to love every part of you

  • No it doesn't turn me off.

  • nope i love large areolas.

  • no, they turn me

  • Don't think negative! Big areolas are the best! I will never be with a girl that has small areolas. Find someone who is a huge areola lover.. believe me.. the majority of us men.. lovd big ones!

  • "Vegeta, what's an 'areola'?" "It's a type of food, Kakarot" "OH BOY, I LOVE AREOLAS!"

  • Experienced guys know that if the breasts and areolas are large , the nerves leading to them are stretched and the nipples may be less sensitive. Thus girls will not crave to have them touched. Then they might turn to girls who love to be touched there.

  • Actually there is a lot of guys such as myself who loves large areolas. Everyone has somthing that they are inscure because of it. For you it's your areoals and for your partner it could be the size of his penis or the looks of it. You should be totally ok with your looks and you shouldn't ve worried about it because in your age it's first time for a lot of people and it's allways awkward bealive me

  • I am going to say it in a very simple way and try not to get pissed off because I hate hearing these stuff...

    You have DD's which is awesome. (read again, AWESOME).
    You have large areolas which is also awesome.
    Not only it's not a "problem" it's actually better. It is BETTER.

    Drop that retarded myth about perkiness. Big boobs look the same when you lay down to fuck. No one cares.

    And stop listening to what guys prefer if the guys you're talking about are freakin virgins or only had a tiny number of sexual partners.

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