Guys, Do large areolas turn you completely off?

I am entering Junior year and now the pressure of still being a virgin is starting to come into play. I have no problems with losing the v card but ever since freshman year when puberty hit me like a truck and DDs popped up on my chest, I have been a bit insecure. A lot of guy friends I have say that girls with large breasts are hot, but Im sure they are thinking about the girl on their pornsite with impossibly perky, round large breasts with small nipples - which is not my case. With my large breasts, came large areolas. I just want to know if that is a problem for you? I assume it is, which makes me apprehensive about "doing the sex" with someone and taking off my bra. How much would it suck if I took off my bra during a first time sex experience and got rejected? No fun.
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What Guys Said

  • no not at all, thought I admit a normal sized one is more attractive... but it is by no means a turn off.