Do people prefer circumcised or uncircumcised?

Okay guys, here’s the podge. My grandma says she prefers uncircumcised and most people dream of finding a man with his skin still attached, but I prefer it when it’s gone. What’s the general consensus and why?
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Superb Opinion

  • Circumcision has absolutely no reason to be. This procedure is a remnant of dark and ancient religious beliefs that have no place in our modern society.

    Circumcision, just like female genital mutilation (FGM) is a barbarian procedure that brings strictly nothing in terms of improved quality of life.

    Those adults that mutilate newborn or children on the name of a religious belief are criminals at best. There is no proven medical benefit to be circumcised.

    Now if you want to mutilate your body as an adult, just go ahead. You are only harming yourself and don't bring any benefit whatsoever. It is your choice to make.

    What are your views on female genital mutilation? Do you approve of it or not? If you don't why would you approve of male genital mutilation?

    • I wholeheartedly agree.

    • Well said!

    • Yes, I totally decided to get circumcised at 16 just for fun

Most Helpful Girl

  • You have to remember; this is GAG, and you're not in Kansas, anymore.

    Watch pro porn, semi-pro porn, and amateur porn.

    Then ask yourself this...

    Are hairy kitties the most popular?

    Are un-cut wieners the most popular?

    Are high heels the most popular?

    Now someone will say that porn isn't real. Neither is Superman, but the customers know what they like to see.

    • Good answer

    • @summiter Thank you. Life isn't nearly as complicated as some people like to make it. You know just as well as I do, that some white guys have monster dicks, just like black guys. But the porn customers are looking for the taboo aspect of it. So the porn producers give the customers what they want to see. Then dumb people see this, and believe it to be reality. It's really kind of funny.

    • Gummy I agree with you 100% I guess people can believe whatever they want to but it would be nice if they also realized what reality is :)

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Most Helpful Guys

  • As a bi guy...

    I prefer uncircumcised. It's natural like the way it looks more, there's more you can do with it when you're giving a hand job or oral sex, they're more responsive, and its far better when receiving anal sex.

    That being said, I wouldn't reject someone because they're circumcised, most men didn't have any choice in the matter. I can also find circumcised penises to be sexually appealing, especially on the right guy.

    I'm definitely against routine infant circumcision, but adult men can do whatever they want with their penis, even if I struggle to understand why they'd want to get circumcised.

  • The dad side to me would absolutely leave any male child I had intact. I’d error on the side of natural.

    That said, I’m circumcised at birth. It was just a thing every American boy had done in the 70’s - 90’s. So I didn’t get a say. I’m grateful though because they did a great job. I love the way I look especially when fully erect. It’s consistent and even. I have plenty of feeling and I’ve never had any issues. So I won’t complain.

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What Girls & Guys Said

9 13
  • Circumcision is strictly a western cultural phenomenon. Most of the world doesn’t do it anymore. If someone judges a man based on if they have skin on their penis head then really that’s very superficial and says a lot about who they are. I’ve had both and don’t really care either way because both feel the same.

    • It’s not though only western I think it’s popular with Muslims and Jews for religion but mostly just US does it apart from that, not sure why 🤷🏻‍♀️ to add a extra charge on the hospital bill probably lol

  • I'm more concerned with the conversations you have with your grandma.

    • My grandma is open and freaky like that too tho 🤣 Its cringe but yea

    • @DizzyDesii my grandma says wild shit too, but she's also got dementia so I try not no m to listen. I don't know if I wanna hear my sweet dear grandma kitty talking about what kind of hangdown she preferred during the great depression.. I mean, I know that I don't wanna know. Lol

    • Yea my grandma doesn’t have dementia. she's always been freaky and i still dont know how she married a prude. I love my grandpa but that man goodness... If people on tv even peck eachothers lips with a kiss, he's like “OKAY I THINK ITS TIME TO CHANGE THE CHANNEL” 😂 He makes maybe two freaky random statements a year but the other days, he's so against anything thats PG13+

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  • Uncut. There is no need to cut except in a few cases with medical reasons. It is done by mothers purely for selfish reasons. Their own vanity.

    • Just thinking... uncut dick... pull foreskin right back... voila... cut dick!

    • Not exactly the same

    • @Crinkc Loks so very similar!

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  • I’m always more excited to see a natural one because I know it feels better but if I really liked someone and he was cut it might not be a problem.

  • Circumcised