Do you agree that incel attacks are a form of terrorism?

The 'Terrorism and Violent Extremism Awareness Guide', released in 2015, was intended to help parents and first responders recognize “indicators or early warning signs” of violent radicalization and terrorist planning.

It lists a variety of symbols and behaviours associated with groups like the anti-capitalist Black Bloc and ISIS.'The update to the guide is the latest sign the government now views incels as a public safety threat in the wake of attacks that have killed 11 and injured 19 in the country over the past two years.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service subsequently recognized incel attacks as a form of ideologically motivated violent extremism, or IMVE, in its annual report to Parliament.

Incels, or “involuntary celibates,” are men unable to attract sexual partners who frequent online discussion groups where they portray themselves as victims. Violence and misogyny are recurring themes on incel forums.“Generally, male incels do adhere to a train of thought in which women are dehumanized by only defining them by their ability to give sex to men, and they carry an intense anger towards women because they will not give it to incels,” Renske van der Veere wrote in a paper published last week by the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – the Hague.

“The movement is also increasingly associated with violence.”

The RCMP said incels fell “within a broad range of ideologies under IMVE.”

Written by Moonshot CVE, the guide said incels were a public safety threat and described the men involved in the “incel ecosystem” as “angry, isolated, depressed and often suicidal.”
Based on what you've read/seen regarding the incel movement over the past few years, do you agree that attacks inspired by the incel ideology should qualify as a form of ideologically motivated violent extremism?
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What Girls & Guys Said

12 52
  • Were there political aims in mind when the attacks are done? If yes, then terrorism. If no, then not terrorism. It's not rocket science. Being angry at women is not political. Demanding that laws change to make women subservient is political. Those two are not the same, however.

  • No..

  • if thats true Canada should provide state mandated wives to these men to prevent terrorism from escalating.

    • No. That's not acceptable. No woman should be forced to be with someone she doesn't wanna be with.

    • @RydiaMagnifique Yeah being unable to find a girlfriend shouldn't be forced on a government anti terror watch list either.

    • You're right. But making threats to shoot places up because you can't get a girlfriend, say hi to the watch list.

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  • G3taclue. Everyone on earth experiences this same agape of circumstances in life anywhere on this planet , both men and women. So really , what's your accual point other than a personal grevience and hurdle instince to follow whatever

  • Probably not, Most incels aren't violent people from what I've heard. It's just the Terrible People when it comes to Incels that happen to get the attention.

  • For me incels are equal to radical feminists. I think that representatives of both these extrrlemist groups should be isolated from the society

    • Radical feminists don’t murder people regularly. There have been several incel related murders and mass murders in the past year alone.

    • You are so naive. Read about Valerie Solanas


      One more case

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  • Useualy the problem don't get to the real cause

  • If someone murders many people and commits mass violence, yes, that is terrorism and extremism. My concern is that anyone who is upset about being sexless or unable to attract a woman even if they are non-violent will be associated with the violent "incels" and be destroyed.

  • Are school shooters terrorists?

    • Yeah, a domestic terrorist

  • Yes...

  • Maybe you should fuck more lonely guys and they won't be violent incels. Stop showering all your attention on chad.

    • The truth is that women have some part in creating incels, but they absolutely hate it when you tell them that. They will yell as loud as they possible can that "you are victim blaming!" Then they go fuck Chad while the vast majority of guys starve loveless, sexless, and affection-less. Left in that condition long enough guys go crazy and eventually take it out on the population in general. A lot of incel murder sprees are cries for help and attention that fell on deaf ears previously. This epidemic is going to get a lot worse as long as women keep lavishing all their attention on Chads while leaving all other guys out in the cold. It's is going to cause serious ramifications to women's rights in the end if nothing is done to fix it.

  • my ex got a restraining order on for a "incel attack" thats just a fancy way of saying assault XD

  • Yes. It needs to be taken more seriously. It’s on the rise.

  • This is what society gets for ignoring young men and their mental health and calling these people terrorists will only make things worse. But I'm not surprised to hear that Canadian government agencies consider incels to be extremists since the government of Canada is run by the biggest cuck who constantly bends over for feminist misandrists.

  • Save a life, have sex with an incel tonight

  • When it comes to violent terrorism, all groups doing such need to have action taken against them. However, incel is a very broad term. I'd say about 60% of the human race have some sort of "incel" thinking. Labeling more than half the world as terrorists would be pretty hard.

    Think about ISIS. You're gonna tell me ISIS or supporters of them contain zero incels? LOL yah right! But what would be more logical to associate them with? ISIS or incels?

    • *Also there are female incels. And yes, they could also get violent. Nice job showing a bit of sexism though.

  • Would you classify school shootings as terrorist attacks? If yes, then yes incel attacks are terrorist attacks.

  • give up the booty and they go shooty

  • Difficult to say. Depends if it's a political motivation. It's not like they're part of terrorist organizations or ahead to a specific ideology. I don't think it's really appropriate. Seems like the need to call people this comes more from weird hatred. If it gets too flexible, then anything can be labelled terrorism.

  • Yes of course, they hate women and target them specifically.