Do you exercise your tongue 👅?

Do you exercise your tongue 👅?

I make sure to workout my tongue often! Best to keep my oral motor skills in check ✔️😛 this is very important for speech and eating. And the tongue is a muscle as well so gotta keep it strong

Do you exercise your tongue 👅?
Yes i workout my tongue often 😝
Vote A
Sure sometimes i work out my tongue 👅
Vote B
Nope never work out my tongue 🤐
Vote C
I didn't even know that I should workout my tongue 😳
Vote D
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What Girls & Guys Said

8 39
  • No but I like to use it

  • I'm willing to help any girl looking to exercise their tongue. 😊

  • Yes, I work mine out pretty often. I'd exercise it daily if my workout partner wife was up for it.

    • Why would she not want it everyday?

    • Sometimes she's tired and wants to go right to sleep not long after the kids go to bed. So tongue workouts probably happen about 4-5 nights a week.

  • i do by eating my girl's cake's hole every day

  • I am very confused. Is there a reason to do so?

    • To keep it strong for eating and talking. Very important for young childern and old people but important all ages as well

    • Wouldn't eating and talking be part of it just naturally?

    • Not necessarily