Do you find facials degrading?

I can’t stand facials as it makes my face dirty that’s why it’s degrading for me and getting cum in your eyes hurts like a bitch, guys shouldn’t assume that all women are into it. Pornstars were paid to get anything done to them, I also don’t like fisting, deepthroat, facefucking and anal. Not into that, guys who are respectful should know that all these things are not realistic. Also not all guys are into that, it’s very mean to assume all guys are into the same thing. I will give him a blowjob but no deepthroating.
+1 y
My ex kept forcing me to please his sexual desires and I can tell he’s still looks pissed off when he didn’t get what he wanted, serves him right since he’s a jerk.
+1 y
Also squirting on a woman’s face just to see her reaction without discussing it beforehand is a dick move
3 10

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What Girls & Guys Said

15 50
  • Yes, to a degree. However, if the woman wants them, I'll give them to her.

  • Again my dear, it should not be by force, it's a kind of preference n should be respected by each one, however facial is not degrading.. some other women ask for it based on their own demand.

  • I have too much respect for women to do any of those things

  • Yeah

  • I mean not really no

  • i think it depends on the girl, ask her where she would like it

  • I wana try everything once. After that I won't have to do facials or any weird things

  • no not at all

  • It's a matter of age

  • Nope

  • I'm kinda surprised girls allow this sort of thing. Doesn't look pleasant. But if you wanna please your guy...

  • I don't know about "degrading", but it's not a turn on for me at all. I've only done it once to a woman, and it was a total accident (orgasm came on too fast) lol.

  • I prefer mouth.

  • Any man that does that has been brain washed into not understanding how previous his sperm is. To shoot something powerful enough to join with an egg to create a new life is simply ludicrous. Most of us have been fooled into wasting our life force for a dopamine hit. I will never be fooled again. I suggest you guys out there wake up!

    • Lmao

  • No, I find them very hot.

    • do u like it better than takign it in ur mouth?

  • The only time she gets a facial from me is when she asks.

  • Unless she does it herself. That's always the hottest. I don't see the allure in spending an hour on foreplay, different positions and everything just to jerk it myself at the end.

    Wherever she wants it, she can put it.

  • Degrading, not particularly. But then again I'm just not a fan of it and skip those parts in porn if they ever come up. I personally find it stupid.

    • Do most porn contain facials or only some?

    • Quite a few but not all of it. If it's the amateur stuff or homemade, 9/10 it's not there. If it's professionally made, it's about a half chance depending on the people that made it, but the usual guess is the dirtier the act taking place the higher the chance.

  • Yes, to me it is. In this society, it is. Maybe in some other context, it could be more respectful.

    • @Anonymous u prefer it over cum in ur mouth?

    • @jason222 Neither is appealing to me.

  • I kinda like facials

    • @Anonymous no shame in that! ever ask for one? why u like it?

    • @jason222 my ex boyfriend did one for me once. I don't know it’s just kinda hot

    • Thats fun! Im sure he enjoyed it too. Did you know it was coming? Have you gotten one since?

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