Do you take a friends with benefits to a close family wedding?

In conversation with my hookup buddy I told him about my hunt for a date for the wedding of a close family member. He suggested O take him instead of this guy I just met is that crossing a line? We haven't met each other's friends or family.
Yes, they're just a date
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Yeah why not? Who cares? I mean I guess if you like only like him for his dick. Haha. But clearly he likes being around you. I don't really get the "We haven't met each others friends or family" part. Why does that matter. If you feel comfortable being at a social event with your fuck buddy then do it. If it crosses into real relationshio territory then that's your decision. Do you want to try to be in a relationship? Or not. Whichever. He's clearly down with. That or he's always wanted to fuck at a wedding.

  • If you are allowed to bring a date in the first place, than it's up to you to decide who it is. And people should shut up and take it. Most people that say it's inappropriate do it because they assume your FWB/hookup relationship is morally inferior to the celebration of the traditional union of two people through marriage. Screw them.

Most Helpful Girls

  • You shouldn't be taking a friends with benefits or a random guy you just met to a wedding... weddings are for friends and family, not friggin meaningless randoms. You bring a guy you're in a serious relationship with or you go solo.

    • Absolutely

  • I don't think I would because I feel I would be sending the wrong message. I wouldn't want to lead him on thinking that I would want something more when I really don't or vise versa.

  • I never had a friends with benefits nor do I intend to but I think family weddings should be reserved for family, friends and long term bf's... Its a serious and intimate occassion.

  • He probably likes you as more than a friend. Would rather you took him instead of some guy (Jealousy). If you don't plan on taking it further than just fucking I wouldn't take him.

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What Girls & Guys Said

12 10
  • Why the fuck not. You just going to a wedding it's not like your dating. You goddamn youngins don't know that. Lord Jesus read a book. KIDS

  • I think it's better than taking some random you don't really know. Are you friends or close at all with your fwb?

  • If they're a close friend, I'd probably prefer it.

  • If people know he's a friends with benefits, it's not a good idea.
    If people don't know, it still crosses a line but no-one will know it's being crossed.

  • Trashy as hell, you're treating their wedding like a fuckin' high school party that you and your friend are crashing.

    • I've already spoke with the couple and they could care less who I bring. If they don't have a problem with it I fail to understand how that's trashy?

    • But what is trashy is making assumptions about a person's character based on a few lines shared on the internet

    • I guess this whole wedding is trashier than I thought, so nevermind. Obviously this is the progressive new era in weddings.

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  • I personally would not. We're not friends, we're not in a relationship. You're some guy that I go to when I want sex. He obviously feels you should take him, which means he has some type of feelings there.

    • That's not a friends with benefits then. That's a fuck buddy. There's a difference.

    • @existing_not_living Really? I always thought they were the same thing.

    • No. People try and define it as being the same thing. However, why would you even put the 'friend' in 'friends w/benefits' if the person your hooking up with isn't even a friend? It doesn't make any sense. I have a friend that I have consecutively hooked up with for the 2 months and while neither of us has labeled it as a friends with benefits type relationship, I would still consider it that. A friends w/benefits is meant to be having an open and non-exclusive (most times) relationship with a friend due to a high attraction to one another. It is meant to be with someone you trust and are, at the least, on a friendly level with and have had multiple interactions. People are always saying you shouldn't be friends with your friends w/benefits, but that is stupidity at its finest. While I wouldn't mind having a fuck buddy because it's definitely a no-strings attached relationship, I would rather have a little fun with a friend because at least I know them, I'm comfortable with them, and I can fun w/and

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  • Would you take a male friend? If so, then a friend with benefits is fine. Because FRIEND with benefits.

  • If you're genuinely friends and not just strangers with benefits. It should work!

  • It's fine if you bring him, he's just a date to a wedding lol

  • Absolutely disgusting behavior. WTF is the matter with you? :)

    • 😒...

    • Dealing with this level of ignorance is exhausting

    • It sure is. This place if full of them. But go ahead, bring your fuckbuddy to your family gig. Fur sure...

  • i think it depends on how you two act

  • No you keep that separate or you may as well be in a relationship with Him and he might say no and you will be offered

  • I'm against having friends with benefits in the first place.

    • Then I guess this question isn't for you

  • y not take him?

  • Sure if you want to. Though be prepared, your family may ask questions about him and if you are dating.

  • What's a friend with benefits mean?

    • its a way of saying "i want to fuck you, but i dont want the "complications" of a relationship..

  • yes friend with benefit is also a human has emotions... why not to share happiness other then sex

  • This is disgusting!!
    If you want a boyfriend to do stuff with you. Drop this friends with benefits shit and get a proper boyfriend and treat ea. other with respect!!
    If you dont want a relationship, keep your legs closed.

    Those who agree to go, have lost what its call moral in this society!

    there goes my 2 cents!!

    • What's disgusting is the amount hypocrisy in what your saying. Get off your moral high horse. You condone sex outside of marriage yet having a lover is reprehensible to you. You know nothing of my morals except that I am a adult having a consenting sexual relationship with another adult. It's my right to share my body with whomever I want to. What is vile is you growing balls behind a computer screen and attempting to slut shame a woman based on a few lines you've read on the internet. Good day you miserable bitch 😚 that's my 2 cents !!!

    • Men, boyfriend whom I decided to sleep with all have plans to marry me. It was my decision to not continue the relationship. Sex outside of marriage is call a relationship with the notion to move forward to become one and have feelings and love. That makes us different from most animals. Lots of animals have feelings for their partners. If you wish to have Fbuddy relationships then make it clear! Stop with the bullshit about your personal life. You fuck and you leave. You dont take one to a wedding or family function. Thats why you are confusing people and you are here asking this question. Keep things clear and enjoy whatever you do. But you are hurting his feelings. You are selfish!

    • Don't deluded yourself. You may have been committed but not every boyfriend you've had intended to marry you. Like most relationships both people HOPE to work towards it. And there is a big difference. I highly doubt you didn't fuck until you were engaged where there is actual intend to move towards a union so that invalidates your point. You fucked because you were attracted to them and wanted to express your feelings and enjoy that connection with someone you care about. What makes you trying them on any different then having a lover. In truth it's not vastly different. Just like you can make the decision to end a relationship lovers can make the decision to start one. And in the time you've had multiple partners I've had one. I don't judge you for your choice justlike you shouldn't judge anyone else for theirs

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  • Nope, crosses a line.

  • no it will be more than friends with benefits

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