Do you think it’s easier for men or women to get sex?

Do you think it’s easier for men or women to get sex?

For every woman who picks men

What’s the longest a man has ever made you wait for sex

Do you think it’s easier for men or women to get sex ?
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Do you think it’s easier for men or women to get sex ?
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Girl Guy
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Superb Opinion

  • This is not really a question, obviously, it is easier for women to get casual sex than men. Any woman who will have a tinder profile or dating profile knows how many matches we get.
    The real question here should not be regarding casual sex, but rather, do women have better opportunities to get a boyfriend/husband?
    Another issue to remind you of. Who is more likely to have a good sexual encounter with a stranger, a man or woman? Who has the risk of being pregnant? Who has to risk being abused?
    It's obviously riskier for women than men to have casual sex. Therefore, women are less likely to go for casual sex. Hence, there is a discrepancy between men and women who are willing to have casual sex. Consequently, more men are willing to have casual sex than women and therefore, there are not enough women to match up with.
    When that are not enough women for all the men, then obviously it becomes far easier for women to find a man and far more difficult for a man to find a woman.

    • @dawty I agree with you would’ve been a acceptable response also😂

Most Helpful Girl

  • Probably way easier for a woman to get sex, however most women I know don't just want sex with any guy. So much more difficult for a woman to find someone that she is willing to have sex with. There are reasons for this but I think we all know them.

    • I mean yes but preferences aside a woman can have sex whenever she wants

    • So much so that they expect it

    • I can't argue with you on either of those points. If Hubby wants sex, and I am pretty responsive and attentive for a lady, he puts in a special effort to help with the dishes or get the kids to bed or whatever. I want sex, I just have to give the slightest indication and he's like taking his clothes off in the family room.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • I probably assuming it's women who can have casual sex easier, all they have to do is show a couple of pictures of them in their underwear and a lot of men would immediately applied but it's still safer for men though unlike women especially in terms of not having to worry about making a kid. Since us guys have a penis we clearly don't have to worry about pregnancy while women do considering they have a vagina, plus most women might worry about slit shaming while us men tend to have that issue.

    • Us men don't get slut shamed if we have multiple female sexual partners.

  • To just pick someone up for sex? Women, generally. But there are more prostitutes available to men who have issues that would prevent them from finding partners in any traditional way. Women with similar issues will find it more difficult.

    • You need to have money for prostitutes women get sex easy and for free

    • Not all women can. Not safely anyway.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 24
  • Girls of course.

    But it's a close second if the guy is cute and larger than average.

    Not sure why? ... lol

    Do you think it’s easier for men or women to get sex?
    • I don’t like how you said cute and larger than average instead of cute or larger than average

    • Well, yes, the proverbial "Chad" is many times more likely than the average guy.

    • @Curmudgeon but still less than the average woman

  • Because it's a no brainer!

  • Women's answers are actually good on this one, yea women definitely have it easier for just sex but then again almost all of them want more than just sex and that's where they get trouble, we're different but each has their certain problems

  • Women are the gatekeepers of sex, that's why it's not much of a achievement for women to get sex.

    • No the real challenge is finding someone worth having sex with…:

    • @Subarugirl that’s not the question 🙄

    • @tonightyouu sorry, he didn’t ask a question. You did, which I answered. In response you made a statement presenting it as fact saying, “ the facts say otherwise”. But for some reason when I asked to see the facts you changed the subject.

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  • I think it's far easier for a woman to get laid, it's just that not all the guys that'd want her, would necessarily be guys she'd want to have sex with.