Does all guys cum taste the same or is different with each guy?

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Are you planning to start swallowing? If so, then good for you. Please don't let any early initial reactions you may have deter you. Keep right on trucking. It doesn't take long to get used to it and acquire a taste for it. It very quickly becomes a wonderful thing. It can become addictive too. I like my morning cum swallow like some people like their morning coffee.

  • It tastes different with each guy. It also tastes different on a daily basis. It all depends on the guys health and what he's eaten or drank. Alcohol and unhealthy foods, make it bitter. While, pineapple, makes it sweeter, yes it is true. I tested it out.

  • It's different with each guy, it all depends on their diet.

Most Helpful Guys

  • It is different from man to man. It very much depends on diet, smoker or non smoker alcohol intake and health.
    A healthy diet is a very much a factor. A poor diet of highly processed food and not enough fruit and veg will impact it. Also poor hydration is also big.

    • Thank you for the MHO.

  • Nah. I'm sure depending on the diet we all taste different. My precum is disgusting. I can't possibly understand why females would drink it, but they do lol.

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 11
  • Goodness I've been told it's not the same even for the same guy and varies based on diet of that day and maybe previous day.

  • It's different. Diet affects how it tastes to.

  • Every guy is different, and some taste positively rancid. depends on diet, weight, if he's a smoker, athletic etc.

  • I don't know!
    This question made me laugh so much

    • then why you answer?

    • No offense :)

  • Based on your diet it can taste sweet , sour or no taste at all and it can also be super thick or watered down.