Does blowing smoke in the face of someone of the opposite sex mean you want to have sex with them?

Someone told me that is what it means. This guy has an ecig and ask me if I would mind if he blew it at me so I could smell it. I have a huge crush on this guy and have been flirting pretty heavily with him the last few months. Also the same night (we work together) he told me it was alright to lean over him to get something when I hesitated to do that. In the past I have been very touchy with him and brush up against him all the time but I had kind of stopped because he has never took the hint:)
+1 y
It looks like maybe I need to clarify some things...he asked my permission before he did it and I gave it...and it was one of those vapor ecigs. He is a very sweet guy and would never do anything rude or disrespectful.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Um, in this situation yes? Usually I do it when I fucking hate people. I also don't ask or flirt with them for months ahead of time. But hey, we've all got our trump card.

    • I was told many years ago that it means the person really fancies you etc

    • But a friend of mine is doing it to me, as he knows I like the smell of his vapes so not sure if it applies here

  • No. It can also mean that they are rude ! Especially if its like an actual cigar !

Most Helpful Guys

  • No it means you are trying to give him Lung Cancer and irritate his eyes. A fun personality and a good sense of humor goes way farther that blowing smoke in a guys face.

    • Haha...I'm not thinking you really read my whole question;)

  • hahaha no. are you sure he wasn't just trying to just shotgun you?

    • Not sure what shot gunning me means...

    • he takes a hit and then blows the smoke into your mouth. or kisses you as he is blowing into your mouth.

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 9
  • I'm not sure but if this guy vapes that's a pretty solid sign that he might be a keeper. Good luck.

  • I think it is disgusting and very rude of him. Tell him to stop it, or better yet hang around guys that take care of themselves and don't smoke.

  • Maybe they think it means something sexual. To me its offensive and makes me wanna slapabitch

  • Doesn't blowing smoke in someone's face just mean you're a douchebag?

  • If you do that to me you'll never see me again.

  • fag. this is just disrespectful

  • No, it means you are a disgusting pig with no respect for others

    • and in all probability short a few chromosones

  • No he wants you to have cancer stay away

  • Ok.. My hubby told me some female blew smoke in his face a long time and his buddy told him that it meant that she wanted to f*** him.. I was watching some music video that had Robin Thicke in it and he blew smoke in some girls face and my hubby told me that it means that he wanted to f***. So if either a male or female blows smoke in your face, it means they wanna f***

  • Honestly, I have heard the SAME thing. That if someone blows smoke in your face or in your direction it subconsciously or consciously means they are into you and want to get with you (in a sexual way, or more intimate way) is how I've Sworn I've Always heard it.. That and/or screw you 🖕..
    I was just talking to my boyfriend and he says he's never heard it before I had mentioned it, which interestingly enough, is how I happened to come across this post. But there are a number of others who I know and have met through the years who agree it means they want to bang💏 you, or fu/screw (🖕) you.
    It could depend on the generation which one or what-have-you. Like the posts where the person just ragged on it and didn't really give an answer of whether they Have or Haven't heard of: if someone legit blows smoke at ones or in ones face or direction does it mean anything? I feel like they are of the younger generation where smoking was being phased out and were the clean air/lung generation movement was more of a thing, lol.

    My bfs friend just weighed in and said in general it means fu in a rude way, a rude gesture.
    I'm 34 I've heard since high school both scenarios. my boyfriend n his friend are 38s.

    ********IN YOUR SITUATION: *****
    Also, The fact that y'all have been kind of flirtatious as a background story only adds fuel to my subconscious, or freudian slip, if u will, wanting to bang... or really in this case since it was totally purposefully done and in such a sweet way of asking if he could, I'd say Totally Conscious way of further flirtation and letting you know he's into you..

    Lol sorry hope I helped in some way.

  • No it means you are sending cancerous toxic smoke into the lungs of the said person.

  • No, it means he is rude and selfish. Why would you think someone who is blowing smoke in your face and probably giving you cancer, is worth your time.