Does boob size matter more to guys or girls?

I know a lot of girls that can be jealous of women with bigger boobs, and men that say they prefer bigger boobs or small. So who do think cares more about the size
6 6

Most Helpful Guys

  • Girls > guys


    I had and (almost) still have no boob size preference. It's like women say about dicks: doesn't matter how big it is, but what you can do with it. I'd rahther be blessed with a girlfriend with medium or small boobs, but firm and round. It's no use to have boobs filling D size cups size if when you take your bra off they sag to the floor. The bad thing is I found this out the hard way: for most of my time, I had girlfriends with great shape boobs. All cup sizes. Only a couple of years ago I started "ended up" with girls having sagged boobs; if I'd be a girl, I would probably have a lift job after they start sagging than an augumenting one before.

    I know most of my friends say "(big) boobs are great" beforehand but I rarely hear them talking about boobs after they hang out with a girl for some time. It's more important to me and to them how they actually behave, mostly in bed, but also in general.

    I fondle big and small boobs alike.

    The guys lack of "boob-love" is even straightforward proven in porn: how many porn movies have you seen with the guy paying more attention to the boobs than to the pussy-ass zone? Not calling porn the rule, but hey...

    And if we're still at sex-related stuff, most used positions in sex have no boob implication (doggystyle, reverse cowgirl, missionary with her ass up). That's a pity. But I even asked a question on g@g about favourite sex positions and guess what? The answer is above.

    Coming back, I had no boob size preference whatsoever. Until I met a girl with big boobs (I had girls with big boobs before) that actually used them for a great titjob+blowjob. 😋


    Most girlfriends I had always throw a comment or two about their boobs. I recently had a girlfriend with small boobs that loves big-boobs. She has some bff's that were more gifted and they have no problem stroking each other. She loves it!

    Other ex-girlfriends I had said they would like to have their boobs bigger. So from my experience, I'd say girls care more about boob size than guys.

  • Women care more about their boob size simply because they think men care that much... And men care more about their penis size because they think women care that much about it.

    The only real time the average male cares about bigger boobs is when they're a teenager and going through puberty. To them, they are seeing girls their age go from flat chested to boob chested and the bigger they are, the more "mature" or the further through puberty the girl seems to be.

    That and as a kid, the only real exposure guys have towards women's breasts is through online porn or through their dad's porn Mags (do they still make porn magazines?) so because of that kind of exposure, they think bigger is always better.

    But once you hit your 20's and get older, you realize that boob size is pretty much irrelevant. It's not about bigger being better. It's about the whole package and how the woman carries herself.

    I personally don't care about breast size. You could be flat chested or have gigantic planet killers, it doesn't matter. Your personality, your facial features and your overall figure is what counts. I'm not saying you gotta be skinny either when I say figure... I mean how everything flows.

    Breasts are only a fraction of the whole package and someone with small breasts can be just as, or more attractive than someone with large breasts, or vice versa.

    Granted, girls with larger breasts and who show them off in certain outfits can be distracting and can get some eyes, but for girls with smaller breasts, guys will be checking out your face, eyes, your ass, mid section just as much.

Most Helpful Girls

  • This is the sort of thing that women in general shouldn’t be so insecure about. Once guys get out of their teens when it’s all about big tits (mostly because it’s a trend and as teens they probably want to be as mainstream as possible), they’re able to admit that it actually doesn’t matter as much. Very few have an actual set preference, especially when it comes to falling in love and not just sex. That doesn’t mean some guys can’t be completely ruthless when it comes to mocking girls for their boob size (I know from personal experience), but the ones with an actual brain don’t seem to care as much.
    It’s the type of thing where people with insecurities care more about their own insecurities, compared to how much other people care. Same thing with dick size. Some guys will just never understand that having a massive dick only means you’ll be hurting her and stabbing her cervix.

    • Well said!

  • My boobs are perfect. Like i went to a surgeon and he refused to give me fake ones because he pointed out they were small c's, yes, but perfection in shape. He refused to "ruin" perfection.

    So I'd say neither cares. I dont have to worry about an ounce of sag at 40, running without a bra, aching shoulders... guys that have seen them kniw they are gorgeous, nipple size, shape etc. Maybe we could reason women care more bc i went to the surgoen in the first place. But now i love them

  • We seem to as women care too much about boobs. Men are men they all have their preferences in different ways. Legs, butt, boobs, looks, kindness, humor, being a good listener, show care for them, praise them in whatever way. The list goes on. Point is boobs for most men aren't the most important as generalization. Maybe a one night stand sure it turns them on but brains and pulling yourself together in the looks department counts.

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What Girls & Guys Said

76 504
  • I think both genders care the same amount, maybe men a little more. Because girls just feel the need to be wanted or something like that, so they change their boob size. etc

  • I think everyone as a preference and it varies. As a bi woman, I have a preference for larger breasts, but I think other things about a woman are much more important. Breast size doesn't matter at the end of the day 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • I like all boobs. Each is like a flower, beautiful and interesting in its own way

  • I believe girls worry considerably more about this than guys do.

    The only time that it might not be the case and that it does matter is when it's the small subset of guys that are absolutely sexually obsessed with bigger cleavage and are only going after looks and sex.

    It's definitely not something to worry over at all because it's just a quality that guys are specifically going after. A guy will think a girl is cute, beautiful, sexy, etc because of the way she carries and cares for herself.

    P. S. Guys do not talk about breast size at all let alone for hours like some videos and articles have been starting to note in recent times. It's just ridiculous to think about as I don't know what one guy could possibly go on about in that sense. We're usually talking about stuff we're doing with the occasional jokes or sexual innuendos.

  • Absolutely they do but I'd like to answer for the sexiest guys out there the confide