Does this make me a slut?

I’m 23 and have slept with 26 men. Most were one night stands and I didn’t speak to again. When I went through rejection and I started having casual sex, now I am embarrassed of my number. I can go long periods without sex, last year only had sex with one guy I was talking to for a year and I stopped talking to him when I saw it wasn’t going anywhere. It’s been almost a year that I’m celibate. I don’t want to partake in casual sex anymore, but I feel ashamed. I became curious about sex from a young age when a family member had sex in front of me. I lost my virginity at 13 with my crush since elementary school but I hated him after that and didn’t talk to him again. I didn’t start having sex until 16. And it wasn’t always consistent. I had no one speak to me about marriage or talk to me about how important your virginity is.
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10 28
  • Yes, you are a slut.

  • No. It doesn't make you a slut. Women have needs same as men.
    It's very wrong that some people will consider a woman with lots of guys slut and a guy with lots of women a player.
    We all have needs.

  • Make sure that you don't have any STD's and put your past in the past.

    • Luckily I am disease free lol, thanks

    • Good luck!

  • Yeah, you were a huge slut, but at least you stopped. Don't be like that any more.

  • 23? Sorry for being so honest but yeah that's a bit of a high count

    • Coming from you? Lol

    • Yeah, I didn't sleep with 26 guys

    • But if I were you I wouldn’t speak haha

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  • Who cares if you are a so called slut. Your woman young free single can sleep with as many people as you want to.

    • The only people that have given me that same advice were people who didn’t care about me.

  • It depends on how you feel. Do you like getting called slut? Did you enjoyed sex?

  • No it just means that you really love sex and you could have sex with 100 people and that doesn’t make you a slut

    • I only really love sex if I really love the person I’m doing it with lol. I’m not that crazy about sex.

    • I totally get that and know exactly what you mean I have only had sex with 5 people. But I am a very sexual person and have a very sexual personality and sometimes I hate myself for it because I keep a lot of it to myself. But just because you do have a lot of sex or did don’t mean your a slut.

    • I’ve had sex probably less than 50 times lol men I guess just love sex more than woman I don't know

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  • its OK no one judging u u dont have to ashamed or something as well as u dont have to even think about it its just a number

  • Seems you're moved on from your past looking for soulmate now so no you are not slut

    • I’ve always been longing for my soulmate just did not know how to go about it the right way

    • Give time for any relationship do understand each other to making physical relationship

  • It happens. Don't worry about it. I did what you did and worse, and even though I'm a guy that didn't make it any better.

    • Guys don’t get shamed the same way females do so you’re fine. If anything it’s a compliment for men if they have a past. Getting called a player is better than being labeled a hoe.

    • It's your business. Don't share it with others.

    • I definitely will keep this to myself

  • You clearly WERE a slut but it sounds like you have changed your ways, which is good. Everyone makes mistakes. Don't beat yourself up about it. Look forward, not backward. And it's no one's business but your own.

  • 18 and 30 guys here.

    • Did you start young?

  • My girlfriend is 24. And has ben with
    31 different men.

    some of them were multiple guys at once takeing turns. Passing her around.

    so dont feel too bad.

    • Fuck dude

  • Crikey, yeah that’s bad, I can’t sugar coat it. But if you learn from it then you can at least make it a valuable lesson. I’m not into shaming, I think everyone is free to do what they like, but when it’s for the wrong reasons that’s when it becomes sketchy. The good news is people do change and if you no longer want to be this person you can leave it in your past.

    • It also doesn’t really matter what others think, only what YOU think and feel about yourself! I can guarantee you that not one person here is free from any mistakes. We’ve all done stupid things at some point or another (typical of being young). Mine wasn’t sexual like that but I’ve still grown and changed as a person. That’s the main thing!

  • Yes. Did not even have to go beyond the first sentence. The answer is "yes."

    • Thank you, 🙏🏼