Ever had sex with a friend - not romantic partner - just because you were lonely and horny?

Ever had sex with a friend - not romantic partner - just because you were lonely and horny?
When I was younger, I had a few one night stands and relationships that I really regretted later, but all of that ended around the time that Ronald Reagan was the president. Now, I don't think I could ever have sex with someone if I didn't feel some attraction and romantic desire for them. But everybody isn't like me. . . and that's okay.

If you had a friend of the opposite sex who was not a romantic interest, but who was receptive to simply hooking up to fulfill each other's needs, would you do it? Have you done it? Are you going to do it again?
I've never had sex
Vote A
I've had sex but never with someone other than a romantic interest
Vote B
I've never had sex with anyone other than someone who was just a friend
Vote C
I've had relationships but I did have sex with a friend once just because I was lonely/horny; never again
Vote D
I've had relationships but I did have sex with a friend once just because I was lonely/horny; I'd do it again
Vote E
I've had relationships but I did have sex with a friend several times when I was lonely/horny; I'd do it again
Vote F
Something else that I'll explain in a comment
Vote G
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I lost my virginity to a friend lol. We were in some of the same classes in college and he flirted w/me a lot but I didn't really like him that way, just as a friend. We were 19, one day class let out early and I knew his parents were working so we went back to his place. I am pretty sure he was a virgin too but wouldn't say it. I don't regret it.

  • Yeah but it was a long time ago. I voted D.

    • Thanks 😊

Most Helpful Guys

  • Once you cross that line it stop being friendship. I almost cross it with a girl I knew from highschool. She wasn't my type and I question her intention of being my "friend". It seems she always wanted to be more than a friend; but at the time I was also a horny guy, however, I ultimately decided to terminate the friendship.

    • Thanks for the MHO

  • Yeah usually not friends just random girls.

    with friends it was mainly boredom tbh, not lonely or anything just bugger all on tv.

    when I moved house back in November 2020, a friend helped me move house.

    She got in my bed as she was cold (tbh she was) we both warmed each other up lol.

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16 24
  • F here, I didn't see an option for that with never again.

    I would not do it again, emotional attachment is so much better.

    • So it wasn’t as good as you thought it would be?

    • @Guslove Oh no it was good, great in some cases (Done it many times) but its even better with the emotional attachment. Quality over quantity, do it with the same person over and over and you both get really really good at it.

    • Yea I guess once you do it repeatedly with your partner you know what each other likes and things get real interesting…🔥😊

    • Show All
  • I had to vote "A" but like you said later, I could never do that without feeling "some attraction and romantic desire."

  • I've had relationships, but I did have sex with someone who was not a romantic partner just because I was horny. I don't regret it.

    I don't need to be in love to have sex, but I very much prefer sex with a steady romantic partner.

  • Nope

  • Had plenty of friend hook-ups and would continue doing it, never for loneliness though only to fullfil eachothers sexual needs.