Girls, can you pretend to suck dick with your mouth and head?

Do you think about sucking dick from time to time and move your mouth and head as if you were sucking dick?

1 1

Most Helpful Girls

  • Dude, no. That’s the silliest thing I’ve heard XD

    • You have nice sexy lips best for blowjob

    • Maybe girls who crave dick do it lol

    • XD okay, if you say so. I’m just saying I don’t walk around the house bobbing my head like a demented chicken. My parents would start to wonder about me XD

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  • Lol what's the benefit of doing tht

    • Maybe it will help satisfy your craving for dick, even a little bit lol

    • How... it will only make things frustrating

    • Yes, this is also true. When a person cannot find what he /she wants, he/she gets angry. For example, I want pussy but I can't find it and I get angry.

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4 3
  • I'm a human being, not a fish 🙄

  • They don’t do that, they just buy bananas. You never noticed that when a woman is out food shopping she always gets bananas. This is why god invented bananas in that shape. Pop to you local supermarket and hang around the fruit section.

    • It’s also where we compare the perkiness of our boobs to fruits n produce.

    • Lool

    • 😂😂😂

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  • Why would I do that? That’s quite silly

    • Don't you feel like sucking cock from time to time?

    • Not at all

    • Why?

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  • Dude girls don’t crave it.

    • Are you sure? I do not think so

    • I’m sure. They may crave connection. But they are not as into dicks as you think.

    • But she doesn't say that @elizamichale1

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  • Why would they do that when they can suck a real one

    • When she wants to suck a penis but can't find it, maybe she will do it.

  • what the hell did i just read and why the hell would i do that lol

    • When you want to suck a dick but can't find it, why not do it? For example, I dream of licking pussy a lot.

    • that’s such an idiot thing to do

    • No, it's a very nice thing 😋

  • Lol no