Giving Someone The Middle Finger?

When you flip someone off, give them the middle finger, give them the bird do you flip them off with your thumb in or thumb out?
Giving Someone The Middle Finger?
Thumb In
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Giving Someone The Middle Finger?
Thumb Out
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Two different meanings.
    Fukk you! Mostly in traffic.
    Fukk off! In groups of guys mocking you.

  • Does it mean anything (Had to do it here to see) but I am a thumb in person

    • At work the other day one of my coworkers out of good fun gave me the number one salute to give to someone else because I was on my way to that section. I started laughing as he extended his thumb & I’m a thumb in guy. Anyway long story short that started a building wide flip off contest & I had a tally thumb in thumb out sheet in my area. Later that night the top dog, the big cheese (boss) came down to my area & I told me everyone has to stop flipping each other off. He laughed & told me to put him down for thumbs in & walked away. As for meaning anything else with thumb out I’m still researching it.

Most Helpful Girl

  • None because it’s extremely rude. Do you even know the origins of it?

    • Well done on keeping the bird to yourself. Rude it is to some & for all the others that bird each other out of good fun well done as well. As for the origins I found a few different ones.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 5
  • What does this insult have to do with sexuality?

    You can be disrespectful in other areas than just sexuality, like in road rage or because someone has a different opinion than yours.

    • Thank you for your feedback & to answer your question this was my first time posting, I clicked other & don’t know to switch it to another post area.

    • don't worry, it was just an observation

  • I'm American if that matters, thumb in.

  • Thumb In

    • Thumbs up for thumbs in!

  • Thumb In.

  • Always done it that way

    • Would that be thumb in or thumb out?