GUYS what is sex to you?

I was watching this TedTalk that highlighted the difference of what sex means to men and women.

As I’m a female, I need to feel an emotional connection and be ready mentally to have sex with a man. That being said, I need to trust him, feel a connection with him and I think that sex is the deepest level of intimacy which is why you should have a strong connection with the person (such as be in a healthy and good relationship).

Although, I’ve gotten different answers from guys. The one that shocked me the most is when I asked my friend and he said that,” sex is just sex. The feelings come after. But before and during, sex is sex and that’s about it. I can do it with just about anyone as long as there’s an attraction.”

This statement made me feel sort of cheated and has got me thinking,”Does having sex with a man, let’s say your boyfriend, not make it special to him because sex is just sex?”

Let me know what you guys personally think about emotions, feelings and sex.

Do men actually just think sex is sex, when females think it’s much more than that (emotional connection).
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It isn't a "think sex is just sex"... it literally is "just sex".

    Sex for men releases dopamine, the pleasure chemical. For us, it's literally a fun activity.
    Sex in women, releases oxytocin, in massive amounts. This is the bonding chemical. Therefore a female needs and will get emotionally invested with sex.

    These are basic animal biological traits you can not rewire.
    As animals, Males can't become attached the same way as a female, it is detrimental to the safety of his heard/tribe/flock etc. We are suppose to care for and protect multiple females at once but women have shamed and forced this idea out of society.

    As animals women need the males protection and providing, so they become emotionally bonded to the male after mating so she will stick around and be loyal to him to help her and her offspring survive.

  • I'm like you. I need a good emotional connection. I go one step further because I'm a Dom and love S&M. We talk about what we each want sexually so there are no unpleasant surprises.

Most Helpful Girl

  • It's just sex. When you love eachother it becomes something else though.

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 7
  • Its definitely a emotional connection regardless of what people think once you've had sex with someone you will always have a connection to that person.

  • I thinl sex and love are the same, BUT sex/love is like a drug as much you take as much adicted you become, so if i make sex whit a girl just 1-3 times and afther we don't see each other I will not care. But if i stay long time whit her doing sex, i will become emotional adicted to her.

  • Sex is a feeling of love. We do it while we love it and we feel satisfied with each other...

  • Ted talks r retarded. Most modern women at least where I live don’t require an emotional connection at all. Once a girl had had sex with a few guys that ‘connection’ stuff goes out the window

  • Sex is just sex, yet I feel that it should be from a deep connection. Because of this, O wait a while before having sex with a girl even if I don't feel the same emotional attachment during sex. I can have feelings without sex and I wait until they are strong before having sex.