Have you ever gone through a whore phase in your life?

Guys and Girls’ both can be whores , Have you ever went through a whore faze in your life where you were over relationships and over having your heart broken so you just randomly started hooking up with multiple people and having fun and sex without a care in the world? Or were you always considered a good person that didn’t do those kind of things? That waited to have sex with someone when you were in a committed relationship with someone? Me personally started off as a good person that was look g for love and wanting love with someone , but sadly my deck of cards didn’t go that way , I ended up with girls’ that eventually couldn’t stay loyal anymore , yes we were young but still no excuse to be a cheating white , after having my heart broken a number of times , I was over relationships and for a short period of time I became a man who’re , just randomly hooking up with that I found attractive , not having a care in the world , just partying and having sex. Until I snapped out of whatever funk I was in and realized what I was doing was wrong , especially when I had 5 girls calling me the same day wanting to get together with me , that’s when I realized I had to stop and that it was wrong. Have you ever been through a whore faze?
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20 30
  • Oh yeah. I was, in my twenties. Lots. Of. Men, I saw.

    • Why did it stop?

    • @D4nielv because I reached an age where I wanted to settle down

    • Do you miss it?

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  • I have slept with two ex wives and cheated on both of them with 6 others. Of course those same six l have been sleeping with since l was 12. Rosie Palmer and her 5 sisters.

  • I ain't sayin' nothin' .

  • Not yet... but I'm working on it

  • *phase

  • Nope, it goes against eveything I'm about.