Have you ever lost feeling in your legs after a blowjob?

I gave one to my boyfriend for the first time and for like 20 minutes he could not walk is this normal?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • He should get some medical attention, in asia he would be considered to have unhealthy kidneys, probably some ongoing back pain/ aches weak legs. You should tell him to cut out the masturbating, it's not healthy to sperm all the time. It will cause kidney problems, which leads to weak legs and back aches. I had three hour BJ sessions in a row, but had no problem walking afterwards so your bf probably needs to eat and limit sex to once a month so that his body is well balanced again.

    • But masturbation has nothing to do with the kidneys...

    • This is a terrible response and should be ignored. No, it's not normal to lose feeling in your legs after orgasm, but without a lot more information, we can't really identify if the cause is medical or not. I would encourage him to see a doctor if it happens again. Did he lose only sensation, or also the ability to stand? Did he have 'pins and needles', or no feeling at all?

  • No it's not normal any healthy man should be able to walk just fine after a 20 min BJ, regardless of position.

    Maybe he should get a medical.

    • It was an hour long one. does this make a difference? i just really dont want him to be sick

    • Ok, I read it as a 20 min BJ. An hour in a straining position could make walking the first minuets or so difficult, but nobody should have difficulties for anything like 20 min. The blood-flow should make muscles working within a few minutes like when you leg felt asleep. A medical can see if he is suffering from any circulatory disorders.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Never had that happen before? Doesn't sound "normal" tho.

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2 5
  • iv been weak kneed but never not able to walk lol

  • Consult doctor its not normal... we feel tired but not that much that we can't walk.. u should give him some nutritious diet soon after sex

  • I've had many hour+ long bj's and never had a problem

  • I've had wobbly legs from an orgasm... way back when I was a teen. Hasn't happened in a long time, but it definitely is possible.

  • It was that good :P


    • It was

  • If he was standing while you were giving it, yeah.

    • No he was laying down and tried to stand and fell