Have you ever masturbated in a tanning machine?

Lately, several people told me they usually masturbate when they are laying in a tanning machine. Have you done this?
13 26

Superb Opinion

  • I've never been in a tanning machine.

    I can understand wanting to though especially if you're deficient in vitamin D and the light therapy gives your biology a boost. Can make you feel really good.

    But let's be real - girls can get away with sneaky orgasms so much more easily than guys. I've seen it on planes several times. I've seen it on the beach too.
    Guys would make a terrible mess with no easy way to clean up!

    • Wow I would love to spot this on a flight

    • No, I use them fairly often, I have been turned on but the mess would be too much

Most Helpful Guy

  • No, I don't really think I would want my penis to get more tan. And of course if I was masturbating, my penis would be fully erect, so it would get even more tan - more light per square inch. I don't really want my penis to get darkly colored. I like the head, especially, to be the rosy pink color that it is.

    • You don’t go in naked. You wear underwear.

Most Helpful Girls

  • a few times... just I get Noisy and have had the attendant knock on the door and ask i was okay...

    • That happened to me too

    • @katieB12 do you think they knew what you were doing?

    • Very hot answer

  • Guilty. Something about being out in the fake sun, heat, feeling relaxed. Nearly every time.

    • Really, oh wow... Are you/do most people go naked in a machine?

    • @Gagname I thought everyone was naked in the machine! Why would anyone wear clothes or a bathing suit?

    • @paige90 I’ve never gone to a tanning machine place. I was thinking that pasties and thongs would be used to cover nipples and logger erogenous zones because they’re so sensitive (just like eyes).

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What Girls & Guys Said

40 91
  • I've never tanned in a machine, but I do all the time when I'm tanning in my back yard. I get bored just laying there so I've gotta find something to do.

    • Are you single

    • @mo1789 Got a girlfriend but we've been thinking of getting a boyfriend to share. Before you get excited, I'm about to hit 40, she's well into her 40s, I'm over 300 lbs. and she's close to it.

    • Masturbating outside is so much better. Natural air an sun hitting ur body feels so much better

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  • No, but only because I have never been in a tanning machine. 😁
    Japanese people don't tan very well. 😔

  • What girl doesn't! I flick my bean everytime I go on a tanning bed.

  • That sounds exciting but with my skin I would go up in flames like those Final Destination girls if I went into one.

  • Probably easier for girls to. Guys leave a mess