He leaked my nudes! What do I do!

I sent nudes to this guy I hooked up with and I told him I don't like him anymore and I don't want to hook up anymore. He got mad and upset and we got in a fight and he called me names like cum dumpster and ugly bitch. he sent my nudes to his friends and now bunch of guys from my high school have seen them! they smirk at me when I walk by and talk about me sexually and treat me like an object. He sent them to my boyfriend too and wrote something like your bitch sent this to me oh ps I've fucked her like 100x since March. He's been talking about it at school how much of a slut I am and My boyfriend hates me and avoids me and stopped talking to me and transferred to another class. I've been crying for a week straight and I lost all my friends. even my teachers think I'm a big cheating whore. Can someone please help me or give me advice? I've made so many mistakes and I've lied a lot but I don't think I deserve this!
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  • sue him :o

  • You should definitely report it. I'd feel bad for you if you didn't cheat on your boyfriend. I hope the social humiliation makes you a better person. Other than that, don't wait to report it to the authorities.

  • You're fine, people will get over it.
    It's highschool, if someone gets caught with a vape pen people gossip.
    Just relax, nudes aren't a big deal.

  • Start a rumor about how small his dick is

  • Yes tell your parents or go to the police.

  • I agree, a girl/guy has to do what they have to do but jesus, if you weren't happy with your boyfriend, you should have broke up with him before you jumped on the next one. As for the nudes, ignore it. It's going to get you down and you're going to feel really crappy for a while and a lot of people are going to use it against you, but if it really was a mistake and you regret it, your friends will come back but you are going to have to live with it, accept it and I guess try and embrace it.

    And, report the son of a b*tch, as long as you're under 18 he can be prosecuted with distribution of child pornography, even if he is too.

    One last thing, you should probably stop calling your "boyfriend" your boyfriend because, not to be rude, you screwed that up and that ships sailed.

    Good luck coping, and you know, handling all that guilt

  • It says you're 18-24, so I figure you're not far from being out of school completely, once ya get out, the people from school won't be a part of your life anymore.

    Aside from that it is what it is, there isn't much to do about it now so treat is as lesson learned and move passed it. Also if malicious people see that it upsets you, then they will grasp for that powerful feeling by putting you down, own what ya did, be stern and uncaring, that will take the wind out of their sails quick.

    I imagine some of the more quiet people are thinking how cool it is to them that you did that with a guy. Though I wouldn't do it again if I were you.

    And to the rest of y'all answering, if you're only here to piss and moan like the rest are at her school, to hell with ya, you're just as self absorbed as they are. She's in distress and people just use this as a means to feel better about themselves. It's sickening.

  • I hate to sound like a bitch, but as a female, if you have enough common sense then you should know never to send nudes.

    Don't do something you're afraid people will know about because more times then not people eventually find out. You bought this on yourself. I haven't sent nudes hence why I'm chillin behind the computer with no worries. You could've been the same, but you chose not to

  • Low key can't recover front bag switch schools

  • Yeesh! This sounds just awful! Sorry to hear it. Did you actually cheat on your boyfriend with this guy or did you hook up with him before you got together with your bf?

  • Seems like karma for cheating on your boyfriend in the first place... that's a bitch isn't it?

  • That's what u get from sending nudes

  • Well you did cheat so you are a cheating whore and why the hell would you send pics with your face on them/?

  • I don't really feel sorry for you. You dug your own grave, now you have to lie in it

  • I'm so sorry i too send nudes to some guys i know i shouldn't though. You need to work it out with him first, tell him you're sorry things didn't work out, write him notes. Make sure to not dress like a slut, dress preservative and tell those immature perves to stop it and if they don't tell a councelor at your school or even go to the principal and tell her or him that you feel your being sexually harassed verbally or even physically if that is an issue. Something similar happened to me, i hooked up with this guy then he told everyone i was a slut and i lost my friends at school then everyone started hating me. But i got through it by not caring what others thought because i knew it was all lies anyway. Just be your awesome self, focus on your grades, and ignore or give compliments to those who are rude or sexually abusive to you. It'll pass, don't worry or you could always switch school haha

    • Ya she can switch schools and hopefully not repeat her mistake... LOL

  • I am sorry this happened, but take this as a learning experience. You'll be out of that place soon, and in all honesty you won't see the majority of those people ever again.

  • What can we say? With all compassion and respect, there's not much. All you can do now is try to warn other girls perhaps to not do this. Girls, this is exactly why you should never send nudes. Ever. You never know how things will go, if the guy is truly trustworthy even after being hurt or getting upset, and once they're out there... they're there forever. They can also be used to blackmail you, and posted on revenge sites where they can be publicly displayed in the worst light. These pics can wind up blowing up in your face. So just don't do it! My heart goes out to anyone who has naively made this mistake and are learning/learned a very painful life-lesson. I wish my fellow men had more class and compassion, but sadly many of them do not. Especially the younger ones among you how are also the ones who tend to pressure you for them, thinking and saying it's normal (it's not), and who have a self-entitled mentality. Beware! You have been warned! Please wise up.

    • Wtf? She was cheating and got caught!! She deserved it

    • I didn't read it that way. But even if she did it wasn't right to use pics of her nude to "get even" or to humiliate her. It's not for others to judge us, mete out justice, or seek an eye for an eye (as that only leaves everyone blind), and two wrongs never make a right. Never mind the golden rule of doing unto others as you'd have done to you. We all make mistakes. We live, we learn. And we sure don't need our fellow man to rub our nose in it gleefully in the meantime, as it is painful enough as is. If you do, just bear in mind that karma will cause negative things to happen right back to you. That's a fact. Fair warning.

  • Ehh... you're gonna have to clarify. Guy's an asshole for sending those around, no question, but this reads like you were cheating, and now you're just upset that it caught up with you. If that's the case, frankly, you brought this down on yourself, and all you can do is learn from it in the future.

    • Call the police and report the revenge porn, then go stand in the corner and think about what you did.

  • You pretty much deserved it.

  • Don't get mad, get even. You will soon have a real boyfriend (to whom you will never lie!) who will love you as you are and you will then have the last laugh.

    By the way, although that immature boy certainly didn't use it as such, the term Cum Dumpster can also be meant as a term of endearment for a woman who is an enthusiastic cum swallower. Personally I'm a proud Cum Dumpster.

    • She cheated on her boyfriend... what makes you think she won't do that again? I think she completely deserved it

    • It doesn't say anything about cheating on a boyfriend in the (somewhat incoherent) question. Am I supposed to be a mind reader? Research all her other questions? Oy Vey. Also, so what if she cheated on he boyfriend. That's not a criminal offense. It's no excuse for his behavior. His behavior is criminal. He should be arrested and charged. Perhaps contributing to the delinquency of a minor and distribution of child pornography for starters. (Unless she's truthfully 18+ which may be doubtful.)

    • Read the question again. She stated that when she broke it off with the guy she hooked up with and sent nudes to, that he sent the pictures to her boyfriend. You don't have to be a mind reader or research her other questions.