How'd you describe a bad sexual encounter?

for me :
cums before me, done for within an hour, stinks, no good foreplay,can't handle me.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • My ex wife was was the absolute worst lover. She was so emotionally detached even in normal conversation. She was the most fertile woman alive. The first time we were together she got pregnant. I went back to her once we found out. I wasn't going to be that guy. Well three more kids later...
    I was feeling doomed for my sex life. Every horrible experience bread a beautiful soul into this world.
    She never moved in 8 years together same position. She was never into it or exploring another position, nothing. Smoked all day and sweated yellow nicotine from her skin. she showered everyday and still stunk from every area of her body (EVERY AREA). Horrible at bj's worse at a floppy no effort hand job even when about to blow she was too dumb to know to kick it in gear.

    I thought it was me that needed some tips or something lol. Proved that wrong ever since. I had it all along just will not put up with that lack performance ever again.

    • why did you marry her, hon?

    • @anon1903 : Being a father in a child's everyday life is far more important than my sexual satisfaction.

    • that's true but i am talking before marriage. was it arranged alliance between you two or did you fall in love?

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  • here are some examples I heard before...
    - she makes a selfie half way through and posts it on social media, or just browses her story in the process
    - she lies still - no emotions, nothing, and then asks - "did you cum? Oh"
    - overall bad choice of words and no emotional attachment

Most Helpful Girls

  • Its bad if he...
    can't go multiple rounds (all day hehe)
    can't cum multiple rounds
    can't shoot (mostly oozes)
    can't precum a lot
    doesn't cuddle after
    doesn't foreplay beforehand
    doesn't kiss a lot
    doesn't moan even a little
    doesn't want to be dominant 70% of the time

  • Cums too soon and is done for the day, hits the wrong hole, hits the perineum, gets tired and can’t even finish, farting etc.

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2 29
  • Lays there and does nothing

  • Bad or non-existent foreplay, can't get into a rhythm during sex, so basically just lays there and doesn't contribute. Ends with me not cumming. Boring.

  • Maybe some of the reasons a lot of women like more mature men, with more sense, and caring, and understanding about the lady's needs and desires.

  • Someone that can't go multiple times n eat my ass n finger me while I'm eating her holes n filling em up with my penis

  • Bad hygiene
    Rises a dick like a dizzy elephant on a pogo stick
    Lies there like a corpse

    • What do u do when she is on top

    • What do I do? That depends on what she is doing