How do you break up with a sex doll?

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How do you break up with a sex doll?
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10 48
  • Put it in a garbage compactor...

    • She’s silicone so she just unfolds back to normal

    • Not the shredding kind on compactor lol

    • Shhhh 🤫 softly tell me where to find one so she doesn’t overheat

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  • throw her in a dumpster...

    • She just climbed right back out and hit me upside the head

  • I guess you sell it and forget about it

    • Slavery is sooooo last century

  • Coz she cheated on you with me. 😉

    • I know 😢 She told me

    • Thanks for like!

    • Yoy should forgive her. She looks like a keeper. 😉

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  • Dumpster

    • No good, she climbs right out

  • Throw the damn thing out the door

  • Ignore her texts and calls in your brain

    • She doesn’t text, she just screams in my ear

    • Act Deaf! She will get the point

    • She holds my face to her face 😿

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  • pop it... lol

  • Deflate her and throw her plastic body in a fire

    • Take the air out put her back in the box and ship her back to the seller you bought her from? All else fails ask bud bundy he would know best or ask his sister kelly bundy

    • Tried to leave her behind before! She was pissed when she showed up the next morning

    • Can you send me the bundy’s number?

  • Put her in a box.

    • Tried that! She just climbed out and put me in the box… 😔

    • Watch Battle Star Galactica for proper boxing procedures.

    • Ok! 🫤

  • You put it in the garbage.

    • She just climbed right back out and hit me upside the head

  • Put her in the closet

    • How do i deal with all the screaming though?

    • I thought you bought the silent model 😊 nobody wants to hear them nagging

    • That was an option? Now ya tell me!!! 😩

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  • Tell her you're allergic to rubber?

    • Perfect!!!

  • She rejected me because I don't fit the BBC stereotypes.

    How do you break up with a sex doll?
    • That bitch 😠

    • I know. The whole reason I bought a White woman sex doll was so I wouldn't be stereotyped.

    • Plastic people are the most radica!! 😠

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