How does it feel to know that your wife could beat you up?

It's not that I believe that a husband must always be physically stronger than his wife. As a pro-feminist man, my comfort in my own identity is not linked to any sense of muscular superiority over my spouse! At the same time, I'm a product of my upbringing. I've never been in a relationship with a woman of my wife's level of fitness and power and agility. It's been a shock to realize that I am frequently judged because of my partner's strength. The reactions I get when folks see us together in the gym fall into one of two camps: some people (usually men) assume I am "hen-pecked and put-upon", a wimpy victim who is dominated by his wife. Others assume I must have something very special "going for me" (something not evident to the naked eye, mind you); I must be "extra-confident" to be able to "handle" such a strong woman!
But in the end, while I celebrate my wife's physique, I don't rely on her looks or her athleticism to boost my self-esteem or my feminist credentials. What makes me proudest about my wife is that I think that she is such a marvelous role model for other women. Her willingness to tackle traditionally masculine sports, to be unafraid of developing strong and evident muscles, sends a powerful signal about female ability and potential. Our future children will see in their mother a woman who is very clear about one thing above all else: femininity, ferocity, and obvious physical strength are not mutually exclusive propositions! And in their father, lord willing, they will see a man who does not define his masculinity by his ability to physically protect his weaker wife.
How does it feel to know that your wife could beat you up?
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What Girls & Guys Said

14 94
  • No differently than it would feel to know she could poison you with less effort.

    The issue is "why would she?"

  • she's got a dick don't lie

  • I'm thinking that this isn't even a question, it's. mainly just you spouting your beliefs. That's what "My Takes" are for my guy.

    • Ignore that period I put there on accident🤦

  • Lol it’s a no for me

    • Why?

  • My fiance and I had an understanding. She deals with unarmed threats, I deal with armed threats. She fought in the Octagon. I fault in Desert Storm. We never fought each other. We fought for each other.

  • I'll be nice to her.

  • Need the dominant sides to come out once in a while. Its tiring to be dominant all the time. Man or woman.

  • This is very cool

    • Thanks

  • I'm not married. However, it took me a while to deprogram my upbringing and be able to accept certain things. I want to say I would feel relieved that my wife could defend herself and even me if the situation was to arise. That is not to say that I wouldn't have her back.

    To those who think masculine energy is based solely on physical strength I want to say there is way more to it than that. I don't have all the answers but I am on my way to finding out the balance that should exist in a healthy relationship.

  • That was very beautifully written. I can tell a lot of heart went into it. I would be thrilled if my wife had the capability to beat me up. The important thing is that you both are there for each other and suportive. I see nothing wrong with this. More power to you and your wife. Its really refreshing to read such a story. Wish you both the very best in life.

  • If I married her then I am likely to reject the notion that she'd unilaterally kick my butt. Assuming she is not a sociopath then if she thumps me I must have something that justified the event.

  • Unappealing. I like my women fit, but not that fit like in that picture. I actually prefer women who don't have really toned arms, let alone even toned hardly at all. They just have to be, healthy looking. Muffin-top? No way. Fat rolls? No way. Love-handles? No thanks. But neither do i want bones haha.

  • Hey my sister use to beat up on guys she dated so this is possible that ladies can beat men

  • I thought that you were talking about the biased domestic violence laws. Where women are the majority of initiators of domestic violence and men are the ones who usually are charged and convicted. But as long as you two are happy, good on you.

  • Except that she wouldn’t or rather couldn’t.

  • Why would she want to beat me up

  • I do not know, because I do not have a wife and I have met only two women who could defeat me in a fight.
    The two females are higher-graded instructors at the karate dojo where I am a student and assistant instructor.
    One is too fast for me and the other is straight out crazy, but in a good way.

  • I probably wouldn't mind... my sister used to beat me up when we were young.

  • I'm only programmed to block women, unless she looked like a man. So a woman half my size could do as much damage as twice my size, that's why it's best to choose a non-volatile woman. I am 6'1.5" and 210 lbs, there is very few women that could do serious damage, but I can block most hits.

  • There are very few women who could kick my ass. My wife would not be one of the few that can. If she could I would not be ok with it.

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