How is prostitution "degrading"?

I don't understand how it can be degrading. Yes, obviously slavery-bound prostitution is degrading (due to the forced nature of it), but as for women whom voluntarily became involved in prostitution, how is it degrading? They are receiving fair market value for their services. The most skilled and marketable they are, the more they earn--with many women earning several hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. It is like any other market service-oriented prefession in this regard, yet few people say being a plumber, doctor, construction worker, lawyer, etc. is degrading. What gives?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It isn't' degrading at all. It is simply two people making a decision about their sexuality for themselves. The problem is that it is considered sinful, so people want to stop others from doing it. However they can't very well justify that it should be illegal since there it is a victimless crime, so they twist the facts to make the prostitute look like the victim.

    You can't really claim the man is the victim of a woman in our society, plus currently our culture has a problem with male sexuality, while embracing female sexuality. This is why the cops tend to go after the Johns, over going after the prostitutes.

    If going to prostitutes became normal for guys, then it would shrink the power women have over men. Any time a woman stopped sleeping with her man to teach him a lesson, he would be able to get laid as easily as she can. This would even give him less of a reason to get married, and if properly regulated prevent him from being forced into becoming a father before he is ready.

    This is why a lot of women even claim female sex robots would be a form of slavery, but they have no problem making robots do other tasks. There argument is as dumb as if a guy said a robotic dildo was somehow a form of slavery and is degrading to women. Women like having sexual power over men, and they don't want to lose it. They have to make it sound like the man is hurting someone if he has an easy source of sex, in order to maintain power over male sexuality.

    • This has partially been my hypothesis, actually. However, I would say visiting prostitutes is very normal--just not widely accepted.

    • It isn't as normal as it use to be, or as normal as it would be if it were legal and properly regulated.

    • This opinion is really disturbing. People have no problem at all with male sexuality. really a man is hero when he fucks mutiple women while a woman is called a slut when she does.

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  • I think of prostitutes the same as strippers: it's more degrading for the people paying. If I was a hot chick, I'd be a stripper in a heartbeat. A HEARTBEAT. It's just being naked, there's no shame in that. But the few times I've been dragged to strip clubs by a group of guys I was with, I never felt more pathetic. Like this stripper probably thinks I can't get girls naked on my own, so I have to pay. Strippers are smart as hell, that's like free money for doing next to nothing. Pragmatically speaking, there's no harm in it, provided the club is safe. The only drawback is uptight people judging you outside of work.

    • Forgot to include... there IS more assumed risk for prostitutes though. Obviously there are STDs, but that's mostly preventable. Sex is only as "special" and "intimate" as you allow yourself to perceive it to be. If you can make a business decision to have emotionless sex, more power to you, I say. The real danger comes with the crazies you can encounter, which is why pimps exist.

    • Truer words have not been spoken.

    • This is probably why the price to hire a pristitute also is higher than most other professions: the risk factor.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Because mostly (95%) of prosititution is not voluntarily. Also sometimes one volunteers because they have no other means of making money or are in a hopeless situation.

    Lets say it this way. If you would fuck and give oral to 15 girls/women that are not necessarily hygienic, your age or very fat/ugly, wouldn't you feel violated/degraded?

    In this dutch documentary (about hookers in amsterdam) they said that less than 1% really likes this profession and most people are there unvoluntarily. But mostly they like the money (get money for their kids in eastern Europe or something like this) and need to find ways to reduce the pain of getting penetrated so many times in a day/week/month.

    • Exactly.

    • Sex slavery only exists because prostitution is illegal. If prostitution was a legal, regulated industry, sex slavery would be almost non-existent. In nations where it is legal, it is voluntary. As for working when in a "hopeless" situation, this is no different than working at a minimum-wage job because you don't have any options, and that isn't degrading. The difference with prostitution, however is that women typically earn 10-20 times the minimum wage (which is due to the risks due to its illegal status, the low supply of women willing to be prostitutes, etc.) Feelings of being "degraded" don't matter. The point is whether or not we can objectively prove prostitution is degrading. Besides, whether I would have sex with unattractive, fat, or old women for money is irrelevant (though I totally would for $100-$200 an hour--beats my UPS job); if someone is voluntarily willing to do that, why would it be degrading?

    • Dude I live in the Netherlands! It is legal in the Netherlands. And still 95% does it unvoluntarily. This documentary is from the Netherlands.
      I really wish you could understand Dutch and see what really goes on.

      And I so sure that you wouldn't like to do 15 old/fat/other women in one night. You can simply not convince me of that. It is clearly a misconception amongst men that women must like this. Really these people are lured in by loverboys or are from eastern Europe , their situations are poignant.
      Sex slavery in a prostitution legalised country like the Netherlands happens everyday. Movies and so generally give a wrong/romanticed view on prostitution, but it is a hard business, which no one actually likes.

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  • Most people are prudish and the thought of having to take all your clothes off to deliver a service is degrading. It'd be also degrading to be a young sexy housekeeper who gets paid 10x as much to clean your house in Eva's costume, because they can't imagine anyone would accept that offer without being damaged in the brain or in serious money trouble.
    Not just being naked, but also having to have people touch you and do things to you is even worse. Ironically, few people would say actors and actresses accepting roles involving sex scenes is degrading or models making out with other models for a 'great ad' when they often cannot choose who they have to make out with.

    • Exactly what I was thinking!

    • I approve this message! Finally putting up a picture ey?

    • 👊 @Ihav2fart haha yeah! a 'rate me' question is coming next 😂

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  • How could you feel proud to put a price on yourself.. There is no price for your body. Your body is worth much more than just a pleasure thrill. It just means you have no respect for yourself. But oh well its their life. I find the ones that seek out to them are probably more degrading... like married men.

    • You're putting a price on services, not your body.

    • Services to use your body. Same shit.

    • So, how is your body priceless? Because, clearly the market has, in fact, put a price on a body. How is this different than being, say, a professional athlete, whom is literally putting prices in the services if his or her body?

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  • Obviously I'm against human/sex trafficking,
    But for those who want to have sex for money, I don't really care.
    Keep on keeping' on. Make that money.

    • Exactyl

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7 18
  • I've met a lot of happy hookers and ex-hookers, who didn't feel degraded.
    Is it really much different to being a doctor?
    They're both paid to make you feel better, and they're not doing it purely out of friendship.

  • This is a funky situation because of the laws and the circumstances generally surrounding it, as well as the stigma, of course. Unfortunately, very few are actually confident and empowered by it, but they do exist. It may be largely due to the stigma and laws that this is true through... There is nothing wrong with prostitution in theory, and it is of course men's "fault" it exists, after all, it is a multi billion dollar industry and men love to pay, so there is a social contradiction which leads to tension blah blah. The fact is. while it isn't intrinsically degrading or wrong, we a as society have made it so, sadly.

    • I'm not saying it is right or wrong--it just isn't degrading.

    • Well, in many ways degrading is wrong isn't it? Anyway my answer is that while it shouldn't be degrading, society has made it degrading.

    • Pretty much

  • It's talentless, easy and sex is suppose to be intimate.

    There's no skill in being fucked really

    • Lol, you are a fool if you think that. Why are there so many insecurities surrounding sex, if it is so easy and takes no skill? Why are some hookers charging 700$ an hour? You've clearly never paid for services and had your fantasy played out how you desire it if you think all they are doing is "being fucked"

    • You use money for a purpose.. A woman's purpose in life shouldn't just be sex. Men are suppose to charm a woman and give her a sense of self worth and appreciation which ultimately leads to her feeling special cause he's gone through the effort. When there's none of that going on.. Just exchange of money it makes her very existence just seem worthless cause life's not about money.. Tho it may seem it. This day and age you need money to buy food etc..

    • I guess they charge more so they feel less worthless... My sex drive is different to yours and everyone else's out there so I don't feel the need to pay a random woman to act it out. I respect that some people do. A prostitute isn't gunna have sexual insecurities going into that business is she? Or maby she does and feels even more worth cause she's having to do this to get money.

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  • I think prostitution should be legal, you should be allowed to sell your body. I'm not saying you SHOULD, but why does the gov have the right to say you CANT?

    And let's face it, a lot of these girls don't have any other options. So prostitution helps them pay the bills and spend money which in turn helps the economy.

    • Libertarian?

    • Me? No not really, but in some ways yeah

  • Prostitution, voluntary or not, is not a service. As with p*rn , it reduces the human body and sexual union from all their beauty and greatness to nothing more than means of mere pleasure. The body and sex are not commodities to be bought and sold.

    Lawyers, though there are plenty of rotten ones out there, are tasked to uphold the rule of law. Construction workers build homes, roads, and places of business and do repairs on such. Plumbers make sure that we have running water. Doctors keep us healthy. All of them provide real, objective, and vital services to society. To place prostitutes in the same dignity as these other professions is an insult to them.

    If you ask me, prostitution is only a "service" if you don't have the maturity to know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin beyond age 12 and that sex is not a basic human survival need.

  • Well, just because a woman willingly partakes in prostitution, it doesn't mean that she loves it or is happy about it.

    Keep in mindt that socioeconomic conditions and drug addiction are often major players that motivate prostitution. A lot of those women (and men) are simply doing whatever they can do to survive or stay medicated by their drug of choice.

    Whether people like this opinion or not, the fact is that sexual activities are special in some way. Selling that special part of a person can very often be degrading, whether they're a willing participant or not.

    I mean, surely there's a difference between giving someone a blow job for pay vs. being their lawyer, no?

    • There's no inherent difference, no. However, there's a huge difference between high-class escorts and street walkers.

    • I believe that there is a difference between the two.

    • What's the difference?

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  • The overwhelming majority of prostitutes in the world earn nowhere near several hundred thousands of dollars a year.

    I think for some prostitutes, they aren't degraded. They are usually in brothels in places where it's legal and regulated.

    However, a study done on street prostitutes indicated that the majority of them never wanted to get into the business, and they want out of it. My chief concern is that it's not necessarily degrading, but it is often emotionally and psychologically damaging.

  • Because you're selling your body for money

    • You don't have a choice in who you have sex with as far as you earn income

    • Yes, you do have a choice in whom you work with, unless you are bound by sexual slavery. And, you are not selling your body; you are selling the labor and skills of your body, similiar to a doctor or lawyer.

    • you don't put your dick in a doctor or lawyer... :s

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  • because most prostitutes dont want to do what they do, but they need to for money.

    same way sucking up to your boss is degrading. you dont want to, but you do because you are stuck in a subservient position.

    • Most people don't like their jobs and only do it for the money. So is your point that as having any other job is just as degrading as being a prostitute?

    • alright let me break it down then... a candle AND a flamethrower are both fire. sucking up to your boss AND prostituting yourself are both degrading. one can be WORSE than the other, but they are on the same spectrum.

    • I'm talking more about the act of prostitution itself being inherently degrading. For economically free women with options, is prostitution degrading?

  • I guess most people see it as degrading as not being able to choose who you have sex with or being used/abused for money.

    But if it's voluntary, you're right. It's just a different marketplace.

  • Sex shouldn't be something to be bought and sold.

    • Agreed

    • Why not?

    • Would you be comfortable with your Daughter, your Mum or Sister being paid to fuck loads of random men who are probably a bit scummy, probably STD-ridden, don't respect them at all, just viewing them as something to shoot their load into?

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  • Legalize Medical Prostitution!

  • Because women are not for sell

    • You're right. However, labor can be for sale. If labor wasn't for sale, there would be no economy. And prostitution is just a form of labor.

  • Because they are dis-gracing themselves. Although, one person living in sin is no worse of better than the next. After all, the Lord kicked it with the prostitutes and bums when he was on earth.

  • it's not, its their choice, just feminists want to control what woman do and try and silence anyone who speaks out against them by saying being a whore is degrading

    • Actually there is a divide in the feminist community about prostitution... half of them say it is empowering, the other half say it is slavery. The truth? It depends.

  • I would say the ones that are forced into it is degrading, but the voluntary escorts might not feel degraded... in fact if you do sone research in the business some voluntary escorts find it empowering.

    • Yeah, pretty much what I was thinking. It is like this: picking cotton isn't degrading, but being sold into slavery to pick cotton is. The same applies to prostitution.

    • i agree!

  • It is very degrading and dumb but think about this why is it legal to do it for money but illegal for money? So either way it's just that but it's the point is your flaunting yourself around you can be trashy without getting paid so Actually no it's not.

  • can't imagine there are thst msny women that enjoy it. So I'd say thats pretty degrading!

  • Judging by your attitude, it seems like prostitution is as far as you'll ever get in terms of your sex life. That's probably why you seem so pro-prostitution and why you are asking this question in the first place... LOL.

    • So, do you have an argument or not?

    • I have plenty of arguments against prostitution which I do not even see the point in sharing since most likely you will not accept my views.

    • ^ No duh. You aren't accepting his views either. You don't have to accept anything, the whole point of an argument is to combat conflicting views.

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  • One sells their body.

    One uses their money to buy sex.

    My personal viewpoint? So long as she isn't forced, I don't see a problem with prostitution but it definitely needs to be regulated.

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