How long do you think it takes trump to unwad his tight, little panties after he waddles away from tuff questions being asked by a female reporter?

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  • But it wasn't a tough question? He put her in her place. She asked a douchy question and he responded in kind. Are you people even watching the same video clips as the rest of the world?

    The media said we needed more testing, America wasn't doing enough testing, we are falling behind the rest of the world when it comes to testing. Then we start doing better and he says as much to show that he is being proactive at which point the media starts talking shit and asking why he wants so much testing done. He called them out for hypocrisy and being stupid, were is the part where he is the one with issues?

    Your literally blaming him for being done with reporters who are openly lying, openly hostile, who are talking over others, who are not asking their questions only waiting until after he has called on some one else, and he is the asshole here? Clearly you are delusional.

  • How long? Well he has to have a good cry first so that's like 45 minutes, then he's gotta go on Hannity to complain how he's treated worse than Lincoln and that's another 30 minutes, then he's gotta retweet a bunch of conspiracy nutjobs about Obamagate, another 40 minutes and then he's got to pick up a picture of Fauci and scream at it "Why does everyone like you better than me" and that's 10 minutes. Then he needs to stop by Ivanka's office for one of their "special chats". That only takes 2 minutes. So add them all together and I'm gonna say it takes him 3 days.

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3 19
  • this question just made my entire day

  • She probably wanted to have sex with him, hahahaha

  • Does not go away by itself. He has to Twitter storm for at least an hour to loosen them at all!

  • He can't do it on his own, he calls Sean Hannity to bring him ice cream and console him in his bedroom lol.

    • He should be calling Pelosi, she has all the ice cream!

  • Didn't know it was the reporters role to ask loaded questions. An objective press is not suppose to have a side but this question presupposes a conclusion disguised as a query. It's not a real question and if you think it is, it's likely you already picked your side.

    • I didn't know it was the president's role to run away like a scared rabbit whenever things get slightly touchy for him. No matter how you look at it, trump is not a man, we need a man, a real fucking man to run this country, not some punk-ass, shit-for-brains, spoiled little bitch. And you're right, I have picked my side, simply because I know what a real man truly is! You, apparently do not.

      How long do you think it takes trump to unwad his tight, little panties after he waddles away from tuff questions being asked by a female reporter?

    • Then vote. That's what elections are for. The press have to do their jobs, no play activists looking for zingers. It's the job of the press to hold people in power to account. To find the truth. But that's what's happening here. This is an activist not a journalist. And it's plainly obvious because even the MSNBC founder says they've been soft on Biden. If you actually care about the people in charge doing their job then you should want the press to do their job and ask serious questions and leave the editorialising to their blogs.

    • The press has nothing to do with trump's bitchy-boy behavior, dude. The press didn't force trump to promote disinfectant as a fucking miracle cure. The press doesn't force trump to spray-paint his face orange so the rest of the world can laugh at America's circus-like fiasco. Drain the swamp water out of your ears, boy! Trump (that fat blob, ugly, piece of shit) has got to go.

      How long do you think it takes trump to unwad his tight, little panties after he waddles away from tuff questions being asked by a female reporter?

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  • Drink Bleach

  • He handled that situation well. She tried to bait him and he rose above it. She tried to be personal, he was presidential

    • He was "presidential" by running away from a question... like a little bitch... (wow)
      Just keep drinking that bleach, mr. charlie - it'll all be over soon!
      How long do you think it takes trump to unwad his tight, little panties after he waddles away from tuff questions being asked by a female reporter?

    • Ty for agreeing with me. Honestly thought you might disagree.

    • Lol, seriously? It was a legitimate question, that he either had no answer for, or didn't want to look or sound stupid by trying to answer it. He's very disrespectful to the Press, especially women, and he displayed that yesterday, and he also displayed why he's the most un-presedential of Presidents. Every other sentence that rolls from his mouth is a lie, he doesn't believe in facts or science, only self promotion, everything is all about him, what a great job he's done, hoe everybody picks on him, blah, blah, blah. If that was in any way Presedential, I think anyone who thought so has either been drinking the kool-aid or Clorox. He is his own worst enemy, maybe if he spent less time on Twitter and more time doing his JOB...

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  • She asked an intentionally inflammatory, irrelevant question intended to disrupt the briefing. When she asked why he was directing his answer about her asking China toward her, he missed the opportunity to say: "Because you asked the question, you moron!"

    We really don't expect any of you to mature out of your infantile petulance. Pubic school, the media, Hollywood and feminism have infected you all with incurable mental illness and most of you will end up as serfs as Patriots increasingly quarantine you. Time is not on your side.

  • Not long if at all a narcissist at his age can do while jerking off and switching hands in mid session without missing a beat!

  • I saw this one. And my first thing was a loud laugh and my exclamation: ''What an asshole''.
    Not that I was surprised, though.

  • She's a cunt.

    • You sure do love to talk about your momma, hoss. Now put down the bleach and focus on the question, mr. white trash. (and I'm using the word "mr." very loosely here...)

      How long do you think it takes trump to unwad his tight, little panties after he waddles away from tuff questions being asked by a female reporter?

    • Changes nothing. She's still a cunt.

  • I don't think Trump was rude here,
    Why did she have to take that question personally, is she that dumb.
    She ought to be ignored if she is.
    That's a fucking Chinese virus, wouldn't you call anything belonging to China Chinese,
    They don't regret calling the food the make Chinese food by the world,
    And now if the virus originated in their land, y possess such double standards of not calling the virus Chinese , I don't find racism in that.

    Fucking retards who believe it to be a racist comment.

    Trump was just savage here, safe deserved every sec of his brutal answer.

  • Trump is very sexist against women.

    • Yes he’s already admitted he is. He sees women as more cunning than men and chooses to treat them differently. He admitted that in an interview.

  • Oh honey, don't go away mad... just go away.

  • You're fake news and your question is unacceptable.

  • Did you see the one reporter giving the govenor of New York grief and what his response was?

  • Tump is so effortlessly funny.

  • "Tough questions"
    lol no
    It was one of those loaded "so how long have you been beating your wife" questions.
    It's framed to presuppose fault.

    I'm glad he walked away, it was good, but he should have milked it more just to let them seem even more like assholes.

  • It was a fairly rudely-framed question ! Also, this pandemic came out of China who initially punished the doctor who blew the whistle on it - they sure have a lot to answer for imho, so maybe his comment about asking China was actually spot on?

  • TDS much? 😂😂😂

    • The Asker is a crybaby with a soiled diaper. 👍😂

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