How long would a guy wait to have sex with a girl? would a guy eventually give up on a girl if they weren’t getting sex from her?

So we’ve all heard of how a guy will stay around & wait to have sex if he really wants something with you, whereas a guy who only wants sex with you will just cut you off if he doesn’t get it from you the first time.

I know it’s not that likely for a girl to make a guy wait forever to get sex, because eventually it automatically ends up happening once both sides are comfortable with each other, which doesn’t usually take too long I’m pretty sure.

However, just hypothetically, lets suppose a guy has been dating a girl for quite a long time & she still hasn’t tried to initiate sex, or has avoided the guys attempts to do it, would the guy eventually end up giving up & leaving her? Is there a time limit guys have as to how long they’d wait? Do they have rules where they say they’ll leave if they don’t get sex after a certain amount of time? Or would a guy really stay around & keep the relationship going with her even if the relationship seems sexless?
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What Guys Said

  • Id just stay

  • I think it's the girls who would leave if they aren't having good sex.

    • A lot of truth here.

  • How long is her company enjoyable. That how long.

  • As with women, if a relationship isn't fulfilling, the unfulfilled party will end it. So if a guy is expecting sex, he'll eventually have a critical mass of unfulfillment, and that'll be the end of it. If he's a guy who is waiting for marriage, it won't be.

  • I would only leave someone if she didn't give me love. I wouldn't leave anyone for not giving me sex; that's silly. (I don't even want sex anyway, unless we're married.)

  • Most yes usely a nice guy. can't wait for a few months

  • Obviously it depends on the guy

  • I won't have sex with anyone before 3 months. I also won't wait more than 2 years for sex. Since I won't propose before dating at least 3 years, we'd obviously need to have already had sex before I propose.

  • as soon as possible. if no sex nothing important even friendship is hard

  • I believe in sex before marriage to make sure we are compatible, but there is no set amount of time before I'd break up if we didn't have sex. You just need to have a conversation with him and understand how long he is willing to wait

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