Superb Opinion

  • A guys virginity is prizeless, no one would ever pay for it. It something you can't even easily just give away.

Most Helpful Girls

  • First of all, my hat's off to you to dare ask something original on this site. That is just so very fucking rare. Another guy on here also got my praise for doing the same, today.
    Brace yourself for the hate coming your way.

    Well, I no longer have that to sell, so I'm out of the running. But I remember years ago when a guy when on eBay and attempted to sell his soul. lol
    Yeah, they pulled his ad, because I guess you're not allowed to sell it.

  • I'm not technically a virgin but I've never had sex with a guy. I'm sure that would be worth something to someone. I just never would. My body isn't for sell for any price.

    • yeah, I was just kidding too.

Most Helpful Guy

  • I'm sure guys would sell it far cheaper and sooner than girls.

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 4
  • I wonder how many times that girl in your ad sold her virginity.

    • @purplepoppy what would we do without you?

  • Well shit I already gave my virginity away for free

    • yes, me too. I had no idea you could get cash money for it.

  • You can sell it?

    • Well mine wouldn't be worth anything anyway.😞

  • If I knew I could sell it... $100,000, maybe less... Virginity is something people give away for free, why not

  • I gave it away for free.

  • Are you really that desperate?

  • Lol, that can't be legal xD

  • why do you ask that?

  • I wouldn’t

  • Selling my butt virginity here lol