How often do you masturbate?

Now, masturbation can help with stress, headaches for some people, (not me), and for some girls it can help relieve their cramps, (again not me). But for more than half of the earth's population, most of us masturbate because we're horny and either don't have someone to help us, or can't wait and have to masturbate.

I'm not gonna lie, I masturbate daily, sometimes multiple times a day, (usually multiple times a day), I have a high libido and let's face it, I'm a 20 year old female who's hormones are raging, and I'm horny 24/7 pretty much. My average for one day is about 4 times a day, I once had a day where I masturbated and orgasmed, 9 times... oh wait no it was 11.

So my question for you folks is how often do you masturbate?
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Masturbating for the first time today.
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What Girls & Guys Said

11 47
  • Been doing it once or twice daily but I am trying to control it to once a week now. It isn't easy but each time I think about doing it. I take a walk. Been taking a lot of walks lately haha. I feel a much higher level of satisfaction coming after a period than on a daily basis

  • Never

  • It depends on ur hormones activeness n how frequently u get aroused not a big thing

  • I do it everyday at night

    • Only once a day?

    • Ya, But I do it more if the girl I am sexting with does it more

  • A couple times a week. Used to be daily and when I was a teenager between 3 to 5 times a day

    • Happy masturbating

  • 1-3 times a day

  • Everyday not having sex

  • Exactly same, but my average is once per day though its intense one takes me around 1.5 hrs drains a lot of energy out of me.
    I don't know how tf u do 11!!!

    • girls can have multiple orgasms without having a refractory period

  • At least once a day depending on what my days is like sometimes more

  • Monthly once or twice

    • Liar

    • @Paige90 no I'm not I don't need

    • When I have sex then why should?

    • Show All
  • Once or twice a week

  • I masturbate 1-4 times a day

  • I masturbate sometimes when I’m very horny

  • Usually 2-3 times a day. Every now and then an off say happens and it doesn't happen.