How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Soo how old were you when you lost your virginity? Did you lose it with your boyfriend? Do you regret losing it? When do you think its too early to lose one? Thank you :D
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  • I was 22. I wasn't very successful with girls before that, so it took me longer than most other people (I didn't want to wait for some religious reason, I just couldn't find a girl who wanted to sleep with me).
    Yes, I lost it to my girlfriend. We're still together. She also lost her virginity to me.
    I absolutely don't regret losing it. Sex is awesome.
    I don't think there's a set age where you can say "this is too early". It's too early if you personally don't feel ready to do it. Some kids are emotionally and mentally ready to have sex at 14 and that's totally fine in my opinion and others want to wait until they're 20 and that's also totally fine. As long as teenagers use birth control and have sex in a responsible, caring way, I don't see any downside/problem with having sex at a very early age.

  • It was with my girlfriend, we stayed together for over 10 years, but all was not rosy. I had other girls. But we were very much in love and always accepted me. I don't understand what she saw in me, I guess it was the good through all the testosterone. She had it going on too, very intelligent, pretty, outgoing and very likable, Capt. of the Cheer-leading Squad.
    I think It was I was too young to become involved in such an intense, sexual relationship, and not emotionally mature enough to handle it. Sort of edgy, bad attitude, Angst,. I dunno. If I could get a "do - over" I just might take it.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I was 17 when I lost my virginity. I was with my boyfriend. I do not regret it at all. It was a wonderful experience with him. It wasn't rushed. We actually took the time to do it twice while we enjoyed each other one night by the lakeshore. When is too young is a good question. It depends on your maturity level and the situation. I would say wait at least until High School. But it should always be in a loving situation.

  • Hasn't happened so it'll be more than 20 for sure. Plan to do it with my future husband so no, I will not regret it. And I think 16 is probably too young. I think 17 year olds are probably also too young, but then I think of the song Strawberry Wine and it sounds so beautiful.

  • I was 18 (turning 19 the next day) and it was with my boyfriend and I don't regret it at all because I love him and I trust him and it was a really romantic memory and it didn't hurt and he made the first time fun! I think under 18 is too young.

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What Girls & Guys Said

16 32
  • I lost my virginity at 16

    She wasn't my girlfriend, but we chose to be the first, for each other

    I don't regret it, at all

    I think people should lose it when they have the emotional maturity to make that choice, and be safe about it.

  • I lost my virginity at 18 years old. I don't regret it.

  • I was 20 when I did. With my ex husband of 18 1/2 years. No I don't regret it, have 3 beautiful children. The right time is when you are prepare to do so and with someone who you really love.

  • 18, didn't regret it, not too young.
    I think people should wait till 18, but be weary of all the creeps waiting for you to turn 18

  • Haven't lost it yet!