How to deal with my views on being gay while having gay friends?

I am against gay marriage and the LGBT movement. I'll put that out there right now. I have family members who are gay, and while I sincerely love them and relish in their happiness, I cannot support gay marriage. I also have friends who are gay. I don't treat these people any differently, and I don't hate or, as the term "phobic" goes, have an irrational or extreme fear of them. I just do not believe in the way they conduct their lives. I believe marriage itself is between a man and a woman, though am still considering my views on civil unions. Overall, I don't hate people based on sexual orientation, though I am against it. Why did I say all that? Because I know some people (I loosely call them "friends") who would think me the scum of the earth if they knew my views, no matter how reasonably I attempt to defend them. I've thus far narrowly avoided talking or delving deeply into the realm of gay matters and the LGBT movement, though the topic seems to come up more and more. I like to believe I have a right to my opinion not to agree, as they have a right to agree with and support such things. Yet, and I've seen it occur before, these types of girls will rip me to shreds if they ever found out my true position on such matters. My question is: what should I do? One thing to bear in mind: these girls are very close to some of my actual GOOD friends. To break away from them would cause severe drama, and I want to avoid that if possible. If worse comes to worse, however, I may have to... advice would be nice. Please, also, refrain from attacking my views. They are mine, and I am entitled to my opinion. I've remained anonymous for this reason specifically. Not that I am assuming I'll be attacked here, but... better safe than sorry.
Don't associate with these people if they don't tolerate your opinions
Vote A
If they ask, just lie to keep peace. Otherwise don't state your opinion and keep your mouth shut.
Vote B
When the topic comes up, find a way to leave the conversation so that you can avoid both lying and expressing your views.
Vote C
Other (if you have another solution, please describe it in the comments below)
Vote D
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Girl Guy
+1 y
THIS is a popular question: why don't I condone it. Well, I'll be frank. I can't explain really why, as it's more of an abstract thing. No one ever forced me to think this way. I just always felt, personally, that gay marriage wasn't right (I've given up on trying to defend this since a few people have already attacked me on that point). I just don't understand or condone marriage between those of the same sex.
+1 y
Alright. So it seems a majority of people actually don't believe in the idea that people can just simply have their opinions. This proves my point. Thanks for participating, everyone.
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12 27
  • Well it comes down to what you think love is? Do you think love can only exist between a man and woman?

  • You need to see a shrink.

    After that, get yourself an English literacy tutor.

    • ... What?

    • You need to see a shrink because... well... just because you are entitled to your opinions doesn't mean that your opinions aren't batshit crazy. And you need to brush up on your English skills because you can't read. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that it is against all forms of homosexuality.

    • Okay. I'm not religious, first of all. So I doubt I'm the one who needs to see a shrink, because clearly you're either seeing things or just blind. I made no references to the Bible whatsoever. I don't base my ideas off of an old book made... how long ago exactly? So, how about you get your ideas checked and improve your argument, because I never cited the Bible as my reason for being against homosexuality.

    • Show All
  • Keep those views hidden as much as possible. I feel especially where I'm from that it's socially unacceptable to voice out a view like that. Personally, I must ask how can you believe that two people of the same gender can't get married? They deserve the right to be miserable like the rest of heterosexual couples.

  • I have a gay friend and I don't agree with all their bullshit and he knows that. Funny thing is he doesn't agree with a lot way they're doing either.

    Just cuz u don't agree with something doesn't mean u can't accept it. I'm sure Youve had friends that oppose your views on marijuana.

  • If you claim that you are not homophobic and you have gay friends and family members that you love dearly, then what is your issue with gay marriage and the LGBT movement?

    • I can't explain it. No one has ever told me it was wrong or condemned it, really. I just always looked at the idea of being gay, and the movement, as just being wrong. I find I cannot bring myself to condon gay marriage. Also, I don't find my family has much to do with it. I can love someone and not condone their actions. I don't condone my younger cousin dating a boy who I think isn't right for her. I don't love her any less, and she's happy with him, so I don't go against her happiness. Personally, I just don't agree with it. Doesn't mean she doesn't mean so much to me.

    • Well figure it out. Just ask yourself some deep questions. My motto is: don't like it, then don't do it. If other people do things that don't affect me and the safety of others, then I ignore it. I'm straight but I'm not against any lgbt stuff. They don't affect me.

  • D, you should change your opinion as gay people should obviously have the same rights as straight people. You don't even have a reason for being against it.

    I also don't even understand what you mean when you say you "do not believe in the way they conduct their lives"

  • You're absolutely entitled to your opinions. You're also entitled to decide when it's appropriate to share them with your friends.

  • there is nothing wrong with your views, you can still like someone even if you share the same beliefs as you. it is not right that we have to be forced share their views or else be branded a bigot. don't make a big deal out of it unless you have to, and if a time comes where you have to share your views don't be afraid to express them.

  • hun you are fine I have gay friends I care for them
    and there very nice and so on

    but there wrong and I've told them
    hey look GOD makes the rules he is in charge, people will tell you too keep your mouth shut and stop voicing the truth

    cause I promise in a few years those same friends won't be around anymore
    and you will be some place else

    I've lost a lot of supposed friends
    and I get a lot of hate for my belief in GOD
    it will happen it's automatic

    plus all the scientific evidence points towards a GOD
    but you know people they rather worship animals than the creator

  • if the conversation comes up, speak your mind.

  • That's like me saying that I don't hate you, but I don't want you to be happy and I'm against everything you stand for

  • I personally am not for gay marriage either, in the religious sense. Reason being that in my eyes religion is for people who share a certain set of believes and being included means sharing those.
    I can not fathom why a self respecting gay couple would want to be part of a cult that disapproves of them being together. I also do not believe that there is some inherent right to get to be part of every social group.

    As for your friends, they're likely to butcher you alive if you share that view without sympathizing first and foremost with the LGBT community's struggles.

  • I wholeheartedly agree with you. That's exactly me. I also want to stay anonymous. I feel that most people like us are just silent to avoid being hated.