How to stop hearing my dad masturbating?

So my home is not really big and my bedroom is close to my parents bedroom... most nights i hear my dad masturbating and i feel weird and this really disturbs me... what can i do?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Lmfao! I'm so sorry, but this is one of those times where the shit is so fucked up it's funny.

    How loud is he? lol Does he like moan? Wtf? This shit is so fucked up that he's loud enough that you can hear it.

    But try telling your parents, tell them it bothers you. But does that mean you can hear them having sex too? 0_o Oh gosh, that would traumatize me for sure.

    Or get some headphones, put music. Get some earplugs. I don't know. Good luck with this. I can't imagine how uncomfortable this is. :/

    • its so fucking uncomfortable

    • Man, I can only imagine. My family is like Catholic, though I'm a "godless heathen", and talking about sex freaks them out. So I know if something like this happened, they wouldn't be willing to talk about it. :( Idk, I guess if this were me, I'd just move my bed to the farthest end of the room to not hear it, and put some music loud or get some headphones. Good luck :/

    • my house is not big... we are not rich people

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  • Parents bedroom? how do you know he's masturbating and not making love to your mom?

    Anyway! this question is just as weird as the other dude with the daughter question.. i wouldn't be surprised if it's the same sick perverted freak using two accounts.

    • That is what I thought! She is just trolling. Hahahaa! :D

    • What's the other question?

  • Leave home, live by yourself.

    • my intention.. but will have to save a bit more $$$

    • I'm nobody to be commenting on someone else, but I feel your dad should think about what he's doing too!

    • he has always been a selfish asshole

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Most Helpful Guys

  • say mom, could you shut the bastard up? i'm trying to sleep here.

  • Turn up your music a bit and don't wory about your dad's penis.

    • *worry

    • at mean at night time... people have to sleep... i work all day and want to sleep at night... my sleep is very light and i can wake up at the most little noise.. sometimes when i am sleeping i will wake up on hearing my dad breathing heavily while masturbating..

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  • Umm how exactly do you hear him? People don't make a noise when they masturbate, do they?
    Now I am confused lol. I feel like I am missing something.
    If I were you, I'd put some headphones on and listen to music or play a video game or get some earplugs.

  • i have the same problem!!! i find it so disturbing

    • how do you deal with it?

  • Use ear plugs.

    • not bad actually

    • That way you probably won't even wake up when he starts.

  • Yuck, that must be awful and extremely awkward. Tell your mom without him knowing so she can say something to him about it.

    • but my family is really traditional and sex here is tabboo

    • It's not taboo if your dad doesn't even concern that his kids might hear him pleasure himself. Go tell your mom, trust me you won't hear him for months if she'll confront him with it. Well at least, much less.

    • how do i approach her?

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  • Are you sure he is actually masturbating?