I took a Shower With My Brother Was It Wrong?

My brother and I both remember when we were very young and Mom used to put us both in the bath tub or in the shower together. I must have been only seven or so and my brother six. I don't remember what prompted us to do this bu recently my brother and I decided to do it again and we took a shower together.

We took turns soaping each other down and after we showered we took turns drying each other off. It was kind of fun, even though we both laughed and giggled about it the whole time.

I have told a couple of my girlfriends about my brother and I showering together, and they all think it is a bit creepy and wouldn't even think about showering with their siblings. It did bring my brother and I closer together and shouldn't be considered creepy at all.

I have only told my girlfriends about our showering experience, but not any guys until now What do you guys think?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Every culture is different. Most people will probably pass judgement and say it is wrong.

    Now if it involves anything which could result in children, it is illegal as well.

    If it brings you closer together it may give you a level of trust very few people can ever experiece. As you likely know, you may not want to advertise it too much. Most people will be a bit prudish on such subjects.

  • Deciding at your age to shower together was at least a bit sexual. Soaping each other down was definitely sexual. I do not doubt that it brought you closer, in a sexual way. That is asking for trouble. I suggest you find a guy you are not related to to have those showers with, and enjoy them.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I do not think it was very clever. Way too sexual. yes, my brother an I have showered together, but not like this. We are a naturist family, and sometimes clubs have a communal shower by the swimming pool.

    I think what you have done is a bit too incestuous.

    • Thank you for MHO.

  • Very weird. And it's quite nasty. Y'all are both grown ass people. There's no need for y'all to shower together. I wouldn't tell people that if I were you.

  • I know this is a catfish because I found where that photo comes from. Lmao.

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 11
  • It is kind of unusual for adult siblings to take a shower together.

    • Also, if your brother is only 17, he's still a minor. That's illegal in many states.

    • But you're not having sex with him so what's illegal? Plus age of consent is 16 in most states

  • I don't think it was "wrong" per se, but it's certainly odd. I guess so long as both you and your brother were comfortable with it, and it didn't engender any inappropriate feelings, it's fine.

  • As long as relatives don't procreate and everyone consents, then I got nothing against relatives being close, and doing things together that are only weird due to people deciding that they are.

    I doubt many will see it so objectively though. You'll likely get odd reations if you tell people. Rumors might even spread about you two doing more thsn showering. People can be dicks

  • Was it sexual?

  • What is your and your brothers age?