If a girl wants to get married to a quality guy, can she wait until she is sure of the guy’s intention and practically engaged before having sex?

If a girl wants to get married to a quality guy, can she wait until she is sure of the guy’s intention and practically engaged before having sex?
In most movies not made for children, the main characters hop into bed almost before they have dinner. In my opinion, our society should not be that way. I don’t fault the guys but girls shouldn’t be that easy. And, if they are, that implies they may sleep with a different guy every few weekend for years before they get married. That is not just a handful. That is dozens, even a hundred or more. What guy wants a wife that slept with that many guys?

Perhaps girls believe if they don’t sleep with a guy, he will find someone that will and perhaps he will. However, in my opinion, that means the guy is not ready for a wife or else, she is only a hook-up girl. I cannot predict with certainty what I will do in the future. If a guy cannot wait a couple of months, until after he has met my family, and we have at least discussed getting married then, even if have to settle for less, I will find a guy that will.

I want a guy to be my first and only. It is not necessary that I will be his first. However, I intend to be his last.
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  • Well let me correct you in two things before I give my answer.
    1. The guys are as much to blame as the girls. Girls may be easy but guys are pushy I have known several good girls who wanted a quality guy and waited a few month’s hopping they had a great guy only to have him dump her after having sex. And true there was more bad decisions made in those situations then just him gabbing and tagging but still the point stands that both individuals made bad choices.
    2. today’s television shows a sexy hungry society and as much as we have become one we are not that bad. Most girls know to wait until the second or third date before having sex so that if it is bad they won’t get pulled under the covers by a creep. That being said most of todays young people understand that a higher body count is kind of to be expected. Not that you can’t find people with low numbers but people who don't care about that number have high numbers.
    Now your question was is it a good idea to wait a couple of months? My answer will s yes! In fact I would suggest waiting until marriage. But you are young still. If focus on school and your brain. Focus on getting through school before sex or marriage and if you can find a guy to date who will wait with you through that then I think you will find a keeper. But honestly if you have that as your standard then it won’t matter if you date someone because you will be able to focus on your mental health and learning. And good guys find that extremely attractive!

    • From certain angles, the guys are just as much at fault. However, our ancestors are men that impregnated the most women and no amount of blame, name calling, or even laws are going to change the last 2 million years of human evolution. Of course men lie because all species adapt to reward and punishment. The men know they are far more likely to be rewarded with what they want from a girl if they say, “You are beautiful. You are my dream girl” than if they tell the truth by saying, “I’m horny so you will do.”

      Therefore, in the examples you mentioned, when the girls had sex with a great guy, (probably an exceptionally hot guy), they knew or should have known that when the guy is out of their league, most likely it is not marriage he is after. I agree with your assessment that the girls made mistake. However, I don’t agree that the guys made a mistake because they got what they wanted.

      For a one night stand, men are not very choosy but women demand an exceptionally attractive guy. See www.sciencedaily.com/.../090811080749.htm In those case, the women know or should know that most likely the guys are not interested in long-term relationships.

      Girls are or should be the gatekeepers of sex and to a far greater extend, that is the way it used to be. In modern movies girls sleep with guys without given it a second though. However, in the 1940s and 1950s movies, if girls had sex outside of marriage something bad would happen with the exception of “Love in the Afternoon” when Audrey Hepburn had sex and then married the man.

    • Its the mans test. From a mans perspective its not a bad decision to try and have sex with a girl. Either she does it and we get sex or she doesn't and we are lucky to be dating someone worth our time. Win win. There is no lose in the scenario.

    • @bamesjond0069 That is an interesting analysis and I don't doubt that it is at least partly true.

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  • Provided a guy wants to get married and views her as wife material, he will wait for a girl as long as necessary. If he is unwilling to wait, either he believes she is not that interested in him, or else, he has other and most likely better options.

    If a girl has ridden the carousel and/or she is sleeping with some other guy while holding him at arm’s length. He is not going to be happy and likely he will leave. However, if she makes it clear that she is not kind of girl and wants to wait until she is sure she found the guy she wants to marry, most guys will wait.

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  • So the answer to your actual question (before the explanation part) is "yes, but."

    So you can certainly do exactly what you planned. You can wait until you are so sure of a guy's intentions that you are practically engaged before having sex. You can even wait until after your engaged, or until you're married depending on your personal feelings.

    You can certainly find a "quality guy" by following your plan. Some girls do exactly what you're proposing. And there's no problem whatsoever with following that plan. It can certainly work how you're hoping it will. The logic of your plan is perfectly sound.

    There are a few things to consider though.

    I think the key thing you said here, was that you noted: that you couldn't be sure what you might end up doing in the future. I think that was actually a really significant thing for you to have noted. It seems like a little caveat, but it's not. It's actually key

    Life... is honestly crazy. It's crazy how differently you can come to see things depending on what life throws at you. That doesn't mean you'll feel differently about this. You might not change a thing about the way you see this. And that's just fine. I'm in no way trying to say you're wrong here. It made me smile to read this. And not in a patronizing way, but in like a 'hopeful' way. It's good to hear a young girl thinking this way.

    What you are saying makes sense; it is possible; it makes sense; women DO follow your plan to a successful conclusion sometimes...

    but life...

    life happens.

    I'll give you an example:

    When I was 16, I loved my girlfriend. I had been with her for years, we had a really intense (too intense actually) relationship... and I did genuinely love that girl. I lost my virginity to her, as she did to me when I was 16 and she was 15. Because... in our minds and our hearts... we WERE practically already engaged. We were in a relationship that was absolutely meant to last the rest of our lives. I was going to marry her, she was going to marry me... we were in love, so waiting is stupid. Why wait.

    You know how you said that you intended to be the man's "last" in terms of who he sleeps with... that can get really murky when you've been with someone for years... you DO have a legitimately deep connection. It's love (if not Love). You cannot imagine your life without them, and you are 1000% sure you're going to marry that person. You really do come to feel that way about any significant relationship. And it's not... like..."false" or "wrong". It's not "fake love" of "puppy love" or "lust". It's legitimately deep feelings. It's the right feelings. It's just... the wrong person... after... all..

    So we broke up when I was 19, I hated her goddamn guts for a long time, but I hope she's out there doing well and living her life. So a WHOLE LOT of life happened, but after a totally separate breakup in my late 20's I'm single again, and getting a little jaded about meeting the right person after all and yadda yadda yadda.

    Well I ended up meeting a girl and... it was like a movie. It was... love after all. We lived together, slept in the same bed. A marriage was more just... not a priority for either of us for practical reasons (these were some poor-ass-years frankly) but... unless you're religious... if you're living with a woman for years and years that's a wife in all but name. But it was... who I DEFINITELY thought I was going to be spending my life with.

    Wrong again. Found myself single in my 30's.

    Life happens.

    I think that is why that plan you've got, can be difficult to follow.

    Life really is long and complicated. You are also completely discounting your own urges and desires. It's not making a choice in an objective and rational way (not in the same way that it is when you're looking at it from where you stand now)

    I think you've got the right mindset for sure. If I had a daughter I would love to hear her say, what you've said here. Not... because I'd believe that this was actually what my daughter was likely to DO... but because it says to me that you've got (what I'd call a) healthy view of sex.

    You give proper value to how special it is to share your body with another. That's the right mindset. You might very-well change your MIND, but keep this MINDSET and no matter what you end up doing, you're gonna end up with a "high quality man". 🙂

  • Yes it's a good practice! I made my first boyfriend wait exactly 1yr to the day (and I was no longer a virgin, because 3 days after my 13th birthday my uncle raped me, repeatedly, and continued to do that to me almost every weekday for 3 ½ months! But I wanted to wait, I was not ready for sex. And since Rape is not sex, it a crime of violence, so even though I'd been raped by him over 100 times, I still had never had sex, or made love! The. second guy waited about 9 mos. My fiancé was a couple of months, but he proved his love for me over and over again! When the time finally came, I was going through a bad time, and he took me away to a resort and spa, and booked TWO rooms! When I asked him why, he said that he wanted me to feel safe, to know i'm loved, and to never once think he had ulterior motives! We made love that night! He asked me to marry him, about 7 mos later. Waiting definitely pays off in the end! You definitely get the best men. Guys do not want to wife-up a woman with a high body count! Men like to know that they are special to us... When he knows we can compare him to 100 other guys, how is he supposed to believe we think he special, or that he's the best, because me love him so

    I hope this helps
    Laura 🤗 🥰

  • I would definitely prefer to wait til at least engagement but i feel forced to give in sooner to keep the guy happy. Thats why i’d prefer to find someone on the exact same page so its no pressure to give in too soon

    • I agree 100% but I also think that it’s fine to express your lust for someone. I would just play my cards right if the person thinks and questions a lot. Things could lead to disaster if you don’t play your cards right because people start overthinking about moving too fast. I also believe that I don’t want to wait out on sex just to find out that’s all I wanted from someone. Got to test the car before you buy it.

    • @Bigbuck1992 that is a false and invalid argument that horny guys make because they believe the girls are ignorant enough to buy it. There may be a substantial risk of buying a car, especially a used car, without first driving it but women are not manufactured objects so there is no comparison. There is an insignificant risk that a young healthy, good looking couple will be sexually incompatible after they have dated for a couple of months and still wish to marry because if there is problem whether mental or otherwise, they would have discovered it. Therefore, the marriage is 50 times more likely to break up over money issues than sexual incompatibility. Therefore, instead of looking for extremely unlikely probabilities look for high risk probabilities.

  • She can wait sure, easy. He can wait too, less easy. The question is will he? I can understand not wanting to jump into bed right away, but almost engaged? What if you get that far down the line and find out he's a selfish asshole in bed? I don't have great answers here. There are risks either way.

  • People, men and women alike, are free to have consensual sex under whatever conditions they agree upon... even if it's "I wanna wait until the wind is blowing out of 270 between 10 to 15 knots" or "I wanna wait until there's a certain party majority in both houses of Congress."

    Similarly, people, men and women alike, are free to walk away from those circumstances due to sexual incompatibility. I believe anyone who decides to walk for whatever reasons isn't necessarily a bad person, nor should a statement of "If these conditions aren't met then I will walk" be considered emotional blackmail. It is a simple statement of fact.