If someone was irresponsibly drinking at a bar, went home with some random and got raped, who's at fault?

Im just watching a show and people on there think its ableist to feel bad but not as bad for the drunk who got raped (because they were irresponsibly drinking). I dont even feel ableist is the right word
#FeelFreeToList #TheStruggleIsReal
The rapist is the only one at fault
Vote A
The drunk guy/girl is at fault for being irresponsible
Vote B
Both— The rapist is at fault for raping and the drunk is at fault for being irresponsible
Vote C
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Girl Guy
+1 y
These polls stay tied haha
+1 y
Once again i probably didn't word the question the best. But basically, we know the rapist is faulty af.. but doesn't the victim hold a little responsibility as well if they put themselves at risk by getting drunk? Its not like you walked through a parking garage and someone scooped you up and held you down. You legit chose to drink irresponsibly. You dont deserve rape but you gotta admit that you put yourself at risk.
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25 103
  • It’s the rapist’s fault. I mean they raped said person, right? Yeah the person got drunk and went home with them, but why can’t the sober person be a decent human being and just look after the person until they sober up?

    Yeah there’s ways to minimize the likelihood of being raped but it’s always the rapist’s fault. They have the choice to rape or not rape. It doesn’t matter if the victim was careless or irresponsible. Rape is always the rapist’s fault because they are “choosing” to rape.

  • Always the rapist of course, he's done the crime.
    But if you ask me if it's wise to become so drunk you start proviking people to do stupid things... that's obviously a no.
    In Belgium we say to never put the cat next to the milk 🤔

    • Yepp

  • Blaming a rape victim is like blaming a mugging victim for openly displaying their wealth by wearing expensive clothing or jewelry. "What were you doing out after dark wearing a Rolex and Gucci shoes and an Hermes tie? Didn't you expect that would attract unwanted attention?"

    • No ones blaming the rape victim. Its more so asking will the victim accept responsibility that they couldve put themselves in a less risky environment

    • Do you think a mugging victim should accept responsibility for choosing to walk down a side street with little traffic instead of staying on the main street where there are more people?

    • Yea. When i was in Vegas, i accepted the responsibility that i may get mugged when going places alone that i was told not to

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  • They are both at fault , alcohol can contribute to you to do stupid things but it doesn’t force you to do stupid things , The girl could of easily told that guy she isn’t going home with him alcohol doesn’t force you to do things so she still chose to go and put herself in that situation which was her fault , just like a drunk driver taking The chance of driving home drunk , the driving knows he is intoxicated but still thinks he can drive safe. So the drunk is at fault , So once she was at his place and he started forcing himself on her and if she was saying No then yes that is rape But if she wakes up the next day and realized she had sex with him , that isn’t rape , Alcohol helps ugly people have sex but it doesn’t force you , She might of woke up and took a closer look at him and thought why the fuck did I sleep with him , RAPE !! Lol

    • Messed up part is on the next episode you learn that the guy who took her home just tucked her in and left. She accuses him of the rape that someone else actually came jn after and did. But he's the last face she recalls seeing so he gets blamed instead.

    • And it will be her word over his

    • Yea but she's looking hella dumb now realizing she ruined this guys rep and that it was actually his younger bro who came in and raped her

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  • The fault is with the rapist because they knew their victim was helpless and did it anyways. That automatically puts 90% of the fault on the rapist. However, it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure their own safety and not put themselves in situations where they compromise their own safety. However, even if a person is reckless, a decent person would not have sex with a drunk. A situation like this is 90/10 with 90% of fault being the rapist's and they should get the harshest penalty possible.

    • I agree

  • Everyone has the right not be taken advantage of when drunk.

    • I agree but you also gotta think before you act. The rapist is of course 99% at fault

  • Only the rapist is at fault.

    • Okay

  • Rape is a crime. The victim is never at fault. And the rapist is just as much at fault drunk as sober. Just like a DUI.

    • Of course the rapist is at fault but people also put themselves in risky situations. I would know

    • That's true, of course.

  • The only person at fault in a rape case is the rapist. I don't care if the girl is stark naked and high as a kite.

    Rape isn't about sex, it's about power.

    Anyone who thinks the woman is ever at fault in a rape case has clearly never spoken to someone who has been through it.

    • Not true. I’ve been through it and i’d still own up to my mistake in the situation. Even if he deserved the majority of the blame

    • Open forum may not be the best place to go into detail so I'll ameliorate my comment a little... What happened to you was in ABSOLUTELY NO WAY your fault. It doesn't matter what you did that someone made you feel like you made a mistake. I don't care if you stripped naked in front of him. If you said "no" or "stop", from that second onwards its on him, not you. All of it. I forget which of Marilyn Monroe's films it was but in one of them she plays an actress explaining to a guy how she can walk naked through the backstage area of the theatre and the men would do nothing more than open the door for her, but in an office, fully dressed she'd get her ass pinched and spanked all the time. Rape and sexual assault are the fault of the rapist/assailant. Always.

  • We shouldn't live in a world where this could happen to you if you're drunk, that being said, we do live in that kind of world and everyone knows it. So they are both at fault.

    • Yea the world is a mess

  • There's a little bit of fault in the victim for being irresponsible, but like 95% of the fault goes to the rapist for being absolute scum.

    • Yea definitely the majority

  • There never is an acceptable excuse for rape - period.

    • Of course she didn't deserve it

  • The abusive rapist

    • Okay

  • Both— The rapist is at fault for raping and the drunk is at fault for being irresponsible.

    • Right

  • Both in my opinion. I mean, it's no crime to let someone in your house. But you choose to be drunk as fuck, you choose to let a stranger in your house. Your actions have consequences, for better or worse.

    • Exactly

  • The rapist is at fault for raping. The victim is at fault for drinking irresponsibly. Just because you make a bad decision does not make it okay, but I will not ignore the fact that it's a stupid decision.

    • I agree

  • The perpetuator obviously has the main fault, but it is still your own responsibility to take care of yourself. Everyone knows that there are bad people out there who want to harm you.

    • Right

  • They’re both at fault.

    • Yepp

  • Id say the piece of shit rapist is majority at fault here though a little bit has to be blamed on one who drunk herself silly... though there is a 3rd party in this scenario everyone is forgetting and has equal to blame... the actual bar staff that should of cut her off when realised she was drinking to intox and assisted her with a lift home with a taxi (I've thrown patrons in taxis before to save thier lives)

    • Yea most of the bar staff only care about making money. Its sad

    • It is... they could easily stop some of these situations if they just keep a eye out and be responsible servicers

  • Unwise decisions do not warrant evil or justify it. Unwise decisions do create the need for wisdom. The reverence of God is the beginning of Wisdom. If you live in a bad neighborhood would you put all your expensive electronics outside? If you did, would that justify their theft? Of course not. However we live in an evil and corrupt world that is only getting more that way everyday. Is a moments fun worth years of physical torment? If you think so by all means get wasted it's only yourself you are destroying.

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