If women have to sign the draft bc "equal rights necessitate equal prerequisites," should men have to undergo birth simulators 4 equal custody rights?

Despite the fact that, according to the Center of Military Readiness, including women in the military draft would *weaken* the military:


men say that women should have to sign up for the draft because "equal rights necessitate equal prerequisites."

But if "equal rights necessitate equal prerequisites," then why do men think that they deserve equal rights over their biological children? By the logic, the mother should get primary custody (assuming she's fit) but also be able to give some custody rights to the father, but only if she wants to. Unless he agrees to undergo childbirth simulators, which do exist, in which case he can be guaranteed equal rights.

So, which is it? Do "equal rights necessitate equal prerequisites," or do they not?

P. S. To anyone who says that women shouldn't be allowed to vote for government workers who may wage war, if they themselves aren't at risk of conscription: by that logic, men shouldn't be allowed to vote for government workers who may outlaw abortion or contraception, since they themselves aren't the ones who may be forced to endure pregnancy and birth bc of it. by the way childbirth has as high of a PTSD rate as the Afghanistan war.
Women should have to sign up for the draft if men do, but I'm a hypocrite who still thinks that men should be guaranteed equal custody rights without childbirth simulators
Vote A
Women should have to sign up for the draft if men do...& men SHOULD have to undergo childbirth simulators if they want guaranteed equal rights over their kids
Vote B
Women should NOT have to sign up for the draft if men do
Vote C
the question of whether women should be drafted is irrelevant. NO ONE should be drafted.
Vote D
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Girl Guy
+1 y
People are calling me a misandrist for suggesting that men undergo childbirth simulators for parental rights yet also are saying that war is worse than birth. So if warfare is worse than birth, who is being the hateful & cruel one: the one saying men undergo birth simulators, or the one saying women should be forced into war?
+1 y
Looks like most of these men are hypocrites.
0 0

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13 35
  • Drafting women is stupid and the person who started that is stupid. Any person with a daughter, sister or friend who is a woman would hate the idea of them being forced into a bloody, deadly war.

    • 60% of men agree with women being drafted! Well, at least 40% of men are decent

    • Those 60% must not have any women that they care about getting forced into war.

    • Too bad the same concern doesn't extend to sons, brothers or friends who are male. And I'll add fathers to the list.

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  • What the hell do these two have to do with each other? You don't believe women should have to fight in war (which I don't believe anyone should be drafted), yet you believe those same men who return from combat shouldn't be given rights to child custody? And you have the audacity to call us hypocrites. Typical feminazi logic, this is why you daft cunts will never earn respect.

    • Nooooooo I disagree with the custody logic too. I was just saying that it's the same logic As the draft logic which I also disagree with

    • Yup that is proper feminazism.

  • How about the man doesn't have to raise the child or sat when its , first concvied say he doesn't want it to be born or being its life or pay child support and she can have the child.

    Why is it a issue that woman have to fight. you have two hands and feet don't u and adult mind don't u then yoy can fight in the war.

    Relax you broad only gotta fight maybe the next 19 years after that smartphines will fight wars and nobody will fight

  • This is completely retarded.

  • Women make the choice of giving birth?

  • pfff if you gonna play it like that, why not invest in artificial wombs so no one has to endure child birth. also comparing war to child birth really? war takes YEARS child birth does not.

  • I laughed.

    • Complete and utter BS. Women can be unbelievably delusional.

    • What's your Answer?

    • My answer is that women should be women, and men should be men. There's nothing wrong with that

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  • mandatory childbirth simulators? what kind of femiNazi crap is this?
    parents are parents.
    And the right to influence the country means you may be called upon to protect it. If you're not willing to fight for your freedom, you can give up your freedom just like you can give up your right to custody if you won't contribute financially to raising the child

  • No one should be drafted, regardless of your flawed comparison. D.

  • 1) Giving birth is now a choice? Hmmm, I didn't know that
    2) Women want to fight for equality, but they also want to have it both ways. It's like "hmmm, let's be equal in this and this, but we don't want this". No, you're either fighting for equality, or you aren't. And if you want the truth, women in the west should just stfu and appreciate how they have it. Check out the middle eastern women and see how they live and you'll finally wake up and realize you have it great here.

    • And you don't just withhold a mans child from him just because you feel like it. That is pure evil. You should've been embarrassed to even type that.

    • Personally I think that the entire concept of "equality" is bullshit

    • In terms of what? You think women here should be quiet and be thankful? Or did you mean that in terms of women aren't equal here?

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  • Yes.

  • Lol. Thanks for the laugh.

  • If the Equal Rights Amendment passes, will women be drafted if there's a war? Even if they have children?

  • Women don't weaken the military. But (as it says in "Are Men the Weaker Sex?", free from kobo books) there are too many men who aren't strong enough to not be distracted when women are around. So having women in combat, for example, may not be a good idea because of guys.
    And depending on what warfare someone goes through, giving birth can be potentially worse than engaging in combat.

  • Now that we are equal i want women to fucking come on board. We need some of them feminists to fucking die.

    Your logic is just so fucked up and this is another reason why women like you are fucking up society. So tired of this feminist bullshit. Shut your pussy and go to sleep. Fuck you

    • "We need some of them feminists to fucking die." All the feminists did was "talk." They didn't kill anyone. Yet you want them to DIE - you'll have blood on your hands, bro. By the logic that women should have to be drafted in order to have equal rights, then men should have to undergo childbirth stimulators in order to have equal parental rights.

    • I'm sorry but there is no way i can respond to bullshit. Go fuck yourself

  • The woman who tries to steal my child from me and prevent me from being a equal parent in its life will end up wishing they had boot camp training. I'm coming for my kid, bitch.

    • So do you think that women should have to sign up for the draft?

    • yes, to prove a point. do you know what the legal defense was for making men sign up for the draft, back before women got the right to vote? "men can be called upon to serve and die for their country, and so should have the right to vote." Women wanted the right to vote and... just get it. No strings attached. But those strings stayed on men. Men, still today, have to sign up for selective service when they hit 18. If you want equal rights, you had damned well better be willing to accept equal responsibilities, or else you can fuck off. As for babies? a woman can abort without male consent. she can put the kid up for adoption without his consent. she can abandon the baby in safe zones, and wash her hands of all responsibilities, and face no consequences. And if she doesn't want the man to be involed, she can withhold his name from the birth certificate, and if they are not married, he can not contest it. Men don't want to be parents? they go to jail.

    • men may not choose to not be parents. we do not have the right. men may not back out, or leave. men have 3 choices: be there as a parent, have a large chunk of your pre-taxed income taken from you to give to the child you don't want, or do not want to, or are not allowed to, even see, or go to prison. women get rights to vote without the duty men are required to take for that same right. women have rights to their children, including abandoning them, that men do not have. you suggest that if men do not undergo an artificial pain simulator they should be stripped of further rights? fuck you. you are straight up evil.

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  • I think no one should be drafted but if there is a draft then there probably should be women included, unless you're going to admit you think women are incompetent and pathetic.

    Also I would like to take a moment to emphasize just how ridiculous I think your birth simulator idea is. It is not at all an apt comparison and I hope you feel bad. Have a nice day.

    • Women aren't pathetic. Women simply didn't evolve for brute violence in the same way men did. Having evolved with greater capacity for brute violence is nothing for men to be proud of.

    • Actually as a collection of skills I think one could take pride in it and not being able to protect people isn't something to be proud of, but all of that doesn't matter. You're making a generalization that all men are going to be fit for war over all women. And as if being male made it anywhere near an easy thing to endure. If childbirth is going to be your comparison then what about all the women who don't have kids? No war, no childbirth, aren't they on easy street? What's their contribution in all this? What about men who don't want kids, aren't they just getting fucked over?

  • Sure I'll do it if it gives me more custody. My kids mean so much to me.

  • Yup, proper misandrist. You also lack maturity.

  • A lot less of you meet physical the requirements anyway so not many would actually get drafted I think if we have to then you should, but you should have the same minimum standards.
    If a country does desperately need to draft witch I really don't think you do ATM it should pick who it needs from the whole population regardless of gender far less women would actually be picked to fight though so stop complaining about being included if we get included as long as they don't lower the bar for you then on average it's still a lot worse for us as more of us would be drafted.

    • Also I would much rather simulate child birth 20 times than have to fight in a war unless I was very paid well and somehow had a low risk of injury or death.

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